The Ultimate Guide to Flap T Pronunciation for Authentic American English

snehal harshe
5 min readJul 8, 2021


How might you communicate in English like an American?

For one, you could ensure that you’re utilizing words explicit to American English.

You’d record your “postal division” instead of your “post code” (which would be the British way!).

You may leave in the “parking area” rather than the “vehicle leave.”

In any case, past that, Americans have a specific method of articulating English that separates them from other local English speakers like Brits and Australians.

One of the simplest articulation changes to make is talk with a fold T. This is one of the three principle types of T in English, and you’ll hear it frequently in American English despite the fact that it’s uncommon in British English.

Peruse on to discover about the fold T articulation alongside when precisely to utilize it. Indeed, before the finish of this aide, you’ll be prepared to join it into your English!

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Fold T Pronunciation

At the point when you consider how to articulate the letter T, the main elocution that rings a bell would most likely be the normal T. This shows up in words that beginning with T, for example, “together,” “tomorrow,” and “time.” Your tongue contacts the highest point of your teeth, then, at that point you let out a puff of air.

Interestingly, the fold T seems like a D. Your tongue would be similarly situated as though you were articulating a customary T, yet this time, your vocal lines vibrate. This is on the grounds that D is a voiced sound, while a customary T is a voiceless sound. At the point when you put your hand near your mouth, you shouldn’t have the option to feel a lot of air coming out.

The fold T got its name from how you articulate it — the tip of your tongue makes a speedy tap against the highest point of your teeth. You can consider it a delicate, light D. It looks like the D in “tune” as opposed to the D in “day,” which is heavier.

For instance, the TT in “margarine” is a fold T. This would really be articulated as “budder” in American English. Give saying it a shot boisterous the two different ways at the present time! You’ll see that adage it as “budder” makes your highlight sound more American.

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Inconspicuous changes like this can hugely affect your intonation, despite the fact that it’s simple for English students to pass up these sounds since they’re not generally brought up straightforwardly. In case you’re searching for an unmistakable, supportive asset that will tell you precisely the best way to further develop your English speaking, Creativa’s seminar on Mastering North American English Pronunciation has you covered. It has a whole video scene that is about the fundamental T sounds in English, complete with nitty gritty guidelines on fold T articulation.

Past that, it likewise separates different parts of English elocution that are essential to seeming like a local speaker, from the schwa sound to inflection. Inquisitive about it? Here’s a free video directly from the course.

The Main Rule for Flap T

Since you know what a fold T seems like, you’re presumably pondering when to utilize it. There’s a basic general guideline for that (with exemptions that we’ll raise later): the fold T is for the most part utilized when the T or twofold T (TT) is in the middle of two vowel sounds.

Here are a few models:

Metal (“Medal”)

○ Steel is a sort of metal.

Absolute (“Todal”)

○ That would be ten pieces altogether.

Meter (“Meder”)

○ Could you check the electric meter?

Letter (“Ledder”)

○ I’m energized on the grounds that I got a letter today!

Sparkle (“Glidder”)

○ All that sparkles isn’t gold.

Otter (“Odder”)

○ Otters are my number one creature.

Latin (“Ladin”)

○ We needed to consider Latin back in school.

Utter (“Udder”)

○ They couldn’t express a word.

Battery (“Baddery”)

○ My telephone battery isn’t working any longer.

Holding up (“Waiding”)

○ We need to remain in the lounge area for the time being.

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This likewise applies even in the middle of words. The T could be toward the finish of the word, yet you can in any case utilize a fold T if the following word begins with a vowel!


What are

○ What are you doing?

Road is

○ This road is unfathomably packed.

Part of

○ He has a great deal of artworks in his assortment.


○ She pondered getting that startup.

Cut it

○ You can cut it into eight pieces for everybody.

An Important Exception to the Flap T Rule

There’s a trick to the standard, however — it possibly works if the T is in an unstressed syllable. Something else, if the T were in a focused on syllable, you’d say it as a normal T all things considered.

How about we take a gander at “meter.” When we separate it into syllables, we get: “me-ter.” The “me” is the focused on syllable, while “ter” is unstressed. Since the T in “ter” is in the middle of two vowel sounds and is in an unstressed syllable, it’s a legitimate fold T.

Then again, “inn” utilizes a customary T rather than a fold T. This is on the grounds that the T is in “tel,” which is a focused on syllable (“ho-tel”). You will not sincerely hear Americans saying “hodel” — that is a customary T all things considered!

Here are a few words that utilization a customary T in light of the fact that the T is in a focused on syllable:


○ He’s resolved to achieve his objective of winning the public talking contest.


○ It’s difficult to focus when you’re performing various tasks.


○ I can’t help thinking about what the most ideal way is to hold jargon words.


○ Do you have a morning schedule?


○ Our service bills went up this month.

Different Uses of the Flap T Pronunciation

These aren’t as normal, however you can likewise utilize the fold T in these two cases:

T is among R and a vowel sound

Y is considered as a vowel sound if it’s articulated as “ee” or “e.”



○ Are you sure that they will defer our flight?


○ It’s normal graciousness to apologize to customers for late conveyances.


○ His aptitude is in wood cutting.


○ The gathering will be our greatest one yet for the year.


○ They say that the Greek divine beings are everlasting.

T is between a vowel and a dull L

A dull L is essentially a L sound that is toward the finish of a syllable or word (“call,” “watch,” “link,” puddle”).



○ Don’t neglect to bring a jug of water when you go running!


○ The tone here is excessively splendid for my taste.


○ He’s continually taking steps to snitch, yet it’s never going to occur.


○ I may get their child a toy clatter for his birthday.


○ The cows business continues to develop each year.

Practice Sentences for Flap T Pronunciation

The most ideal approach to become familiar with the fold T is by articulating it again and again. For starting practice, you can recite the accompanying sentences for all to hear, making a point to say a fold T for the underlined words:

That is quite helpful!

We will visit that popular authentic venue later.

I saw her taking a seat at the eatery with a letter in her grasp.

It is safe to say that you are sure that you can’t get in?

He lean towards cooking with margarine.

