The Unexpected Benefits of Gym Training to Better Mental Health

The Unexpected Benefits of Gym Training to Better Mental Health

3 min readJun 14, 2023
The Unexpected Benefits of Gym Training to Better Mental Health


Gym Training: An Unexpected Way to Improve Mental Health

Feeling down? If you’re a 40-year-old programmer, it might seem like you have few options to overcome depression. But don’t worry — a simple gym routine can provide you with the mental health benefits you’ve been looking for. Read on to learn how the unexpected benefits of physical exercise can help you cope with depression and stay fit.

Let’s face it — being a programmer over the age of 40 isn’t always easy. You may feel like you’re lagging behind the younger generation in terms of mental acuity. But don’t despair — physical activity is one way to give yourself an extra mental edge.

Research has shown that regular exercise can boost brain power and boost mood. Studies have found that engaging in physical activities such as jogging, biking, and swimming can reduce symptoms of depression.

The Benefits of Gym Training as a Programmer

As a programmer, you want to keep your mind sharp and creative. Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to achieve this. Exercise helps increase blood flow to the brain, which in turn can increase cognitive functioning and mental clarity.

Gym training can also be a great way to relieve stress and clear the mind. It’s a great form of meditation, allowing you to focus on your breathing and work out any anxieties or worries. Sweating it out can also help to restore energy levels and reduce fatigue.

On top of this, exercise releases endorphins in the brain. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that help regulate mood, increase energy levels, and reduce feelings of depression or anxiety.

How to Incorporate Gym Training into Your Life

If you’re just getting started on a gym routine, it’s important to start slow. Set small and achievable goals and build up gradually. Choose exercises that you enjoy and ensure you have access to the right equipment, such as a treadmill or weights. Don’t forget to mix up your routine — swapping different exercises can add variety and prevent boredom.

It’s also important to remember that gym training doesn’t have to be a chore. You can make it fun by listening to your favorite music or podcasts, or by setting up a friendly competition with other programmers.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness can also be a great way to help cope with depression. Taking the time to practice simple breathing exercises and meditation can help to quiet the mind and reduce stress. Try incorporating mindfulness and meditation into your gym routine.

Finally, don’t forget the importance of social interaction. Depression can be isolating, so try to get exercise with friends or family. Joining a group fitness class or simply going for a walk with a friend can be a great way to stay motivated and connected.

If you’re a 40-year-old programmer looking to boost your mental health, don’t overlook the surprising benefits of gym training. Exercise isn’t just good for your body — it’s also good for your brain. Give it a try — you might be surprised at the results!




Hi, Im a 40-year-old programmer who has overcome a battle with depression by embracing mindfulness, maintaining a habits journal, and staying active at the gym.