The Four Levels of Happiness

We will continue our discussion from the Book, “The Search for Happiness: Four Levels of Emotional and Spiritual Growth” by Father Oscar Lukefahr.

Happiness One is the pleasure we derive from the satisfaction of bodily appetites. Our bodily appetites have been placed in us by God for specific purposes. If we ignore these purposes, we will quickly discover unhappiness one. Our appetite for food and drink is intended to help us nourish our bodies (soma) and maintain our health. If we use food to meet other needs, such as emotional needs, we risk damaging our health or being enmeshed in eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia.

If we use alcohol to ease our anxiety or to treat other mental health conditions, then we can end up in the gutter. We can become addicted to smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, overeating food, or engaging in excessive sexual indulgences, if we keep chasing after the high that all too soon becomes a low.

If we are Spiritual Beings having a Physical Experience, then other spiritual entities can attach to our addictions through those wanton behaviors to the point that you will have to feed the other Spiritual Entity (or Entities) that have attached to you.

This will cause your physical person to experience an “overdose” of the soma body…



Dr. Sonia Nicole Levi, She is Splendid Objectivity

This is her first self published book, she has a bachelors in philosophy & psychology & completed a Masters in Public Policy. Next, a Doctorate in Metaphysics.