Published inCrypto AdvanceHardware wallets can be hacked, but this is fineHere I describe how to live with it. In particular, how the attacker can encode our secrets in bitcoin signatures and how to fix it.Jan 5, 20196Jan 5, 20196
Published inCrypto AdvanceECDSA is not that bad: two-party signing without Schnorr or BLS2-of-2 multisig and lightning channels as simple transactions, scriptless script and much more without any changes in Bitcoin…Oct 13, 20189Oct 13, 20189
Published inCrypto AdvanceBLS signatures: better than SchnorrIn the previous post I wrote about Schnorr signatures and how awesome they are. This one is about Boneh-Lynn-Shacham signatures and their…Jun 25, 201825Jun 25, 201825
Published inCrypto AdvanceHow Schnorr signatures may improve BitcoinWhen I was reading the MuSig paper from Blockstream I was trying to imagine what would it mean for me as a bitcoin user. Some features of…Jun 13, 20186Jun 13, 20186