Nelson Mokoena
2 min readSep 14, 2018

Moving from Churchianity to Christ.

When I got born again I was part of a church that loved reaching out to the unsaved people. This used to happen almost every semester especially by the youth group in the church. One of the thing I learnt was that sharing the gospel was a Sunday thing and that was for specific people in the church, like pastors and preachers. Unfortunately this is what most believers think. We see church as a place for spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

John 4:29 NIV: ‘Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?’. The passage tells a story of an encounter that a Samaritan woman who went to fetch water from the well had with Jesus. The story ends with her life turned upside down and she couldn’t keep quiet about what happened to her. She goes back to the her neighborhood and share with people her own personal story. But I like how she puts it: ‘Come see a man’. Is that what we do to our friends and families? Is that what we do to our colleagues who are hurting and living in sin? Are we extending an invitation to them? To come and see the man who knows everything about their pain, joy, dreams and disappointments?

One of the things that prevent us from telling people about the hope we have in Christ is because we believe it’s for those called to ministry. The truth is that we are all called to invite people to Jesus. We have people who want to spend most of their time in church meetings rather than with the lost world sharing the goodness of God. I believe in gathering together as brothers and sisters and enjoy fellowship but we need to realize that the one who called us from kingdom of darkness is not only interested in meeting with us but also with our colleagues and friends.

Here are my prayer points:

  • That God would give us boldness to share his story.
  • To allow the Holy Spirit to lead us and make us aware of opportunities to share when they arise.
  • To let Jesus do his surgical procedures in people’s hearts.
  • To never start counting how many people we’ve led to the Lord and to realise that its okay if we don’t get the results we expected.
  • Repent from loving church meetings and embrace the call of God in our lives.