MLH Fellowship Application 2024 Cohort

stanzin norzang
9 min readNov 9, 2023


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As a student at Wartburg College in Iowa, technology is not just my field of study; it’s my playground. I’m Stanzin, a tech enthusiast to the core and an active contributor to the open-source community. This summer of 2023 marked a significant milestone in my tech journey — I was thrilled to intern with Google Summer of Code’ 23, contributing to Drupal. This experience has only deepened my fascination with technology and fueled my ambition to apply for the MLH Fellowship, renowned as one of the premier internships for aspiring technologists.

I’m also the co-founder of a health-focused drink company called Cherker Tea and Juice Beverages. When I’m not working on tech or my business, I love running long distances and playing guitar to relax and have some fun.

The MLH Fellowship:

Thinking about applying to the MLH Fellowship? Great! This program is all about getting practical, hands-on experience in tech. It’s for those who want to learn beyond the classroom, and it’s helped over 135,000 people worldwide boost their tech skills.

The fellowship offers various programs to help you quickly pick up valuable skills. It’s perfect whether you’re starting your first tech projects, improving something you care about, or jumping into Open Source contributions.

I’ve officially submitted my application for the MLH Fellowship Spring 2024 term, which starts on January 29th. I made sure to get my application in by the September 30th deadline, well ahead of the regional deadlines. Now, it’s just a matter of waiting and hoping for the best!

The Application process:

The application process is surprisingly user-friendly and won’t take up much of your day — just 30–45 minutes. And there’s no need to rush; if life interrupts, you can simply save your progress and pick up where you left off later.

Got questions or need a hand with those essay questions? MLH has your back with their essay advice section. They’ve answered it all and packed it with some really solid advice. For tips on crafting standout responses, just swing by their essay advice section. It’s your go-to resource for nailing those essays.

Remember, a well-thought-out application is your first step towards an incredible journey with MLH. Take your time, be genuine, and good luck!

Crafting the Perfect Project Submission for MLH Fellowship

Navigating the MLH Project Submissions: No Sweat!

When you’re gearing up to apply for the MLH Fellowship, you’ll notice that the project you submit needs to showcase a solid grasp of backend frameworks, among other skills. But rather than delve into the nitty-gritty of each requirement, you can check out the complete skills checklist right here before we dive into my project submission story.

Now, about choosing the right project to submit. It’s crucial to pick one that truly reflects your coding prowess. The code you share should be your own, ideally not a group project where your personal contribution might get lost in the mix. Steer clear from anything that’s primarily tutorial-based — this is about showcasing your skills, not how well you can follow instructions.

Make sure your code is out there for the world to see on GitHub — if not, a secret GitHub Gist will do. Your submission should be a complete narrative, not just a snippet or a function, yet it shouldn’t be an overwhelming monolith either. Think Goldilocks: not too big, not too small, but just right.

And remember, we’re looking for real-world problem solvers, not just textbook examples. So that binary search tree you’re proud of? It might be neat, but it’s not going to cut it here.

Jupyter notebooks and exploratory code samples won’t work either. The project needs to be something deployable, something that an end-user could actually interact with.

So what makes a good code sample? Think along the lines of a web app, a dedicated backend service, a mobile or desktop app, or even a command-line tool.

A Peek into My Qualified Project: TrekQuest

The Journey of TrekQuest: From Concept to Code

Working on TrekQuest is a bit like mapping out a detailed travel plan. I’m in college, and I love to travel. But I noticed it’s tough to find other students who want to hit the road without breaking the bank. That’s where TrekQuest comes into play. It’s a project I started to help travellers like me find buddies to travel with, share the ride, and split the cost of trips. This way, everyone can save some money, and no one has to travel alone unless they want to.

TrekQuest is more than just a travel website; it’s a community. It’s designed for people who want to cut down on travel costs by teaming up, which is especially handy for students or anyone looking to travel on a budget. We’re not just about finding the cheapest trips; it’s about making travel more accessible and more social.

Now, let’s talk about how I’m building this. I’m using what’s called an MVC architecture — that’s short for Model-View-Controller. It’s a way of building web apps so that the part that handles data, the part that deals with the web pages, and the part that connects the two are all separate. This makes it easier to handle changes and fixes since you can work on one part without messing up the others.

For the web pages themselves, I’m using something called pug templates. Pug is a neat tool that lets you write cleaner code for creating web pages. It’s like writing in shorthand — you get to skip a lot of the repetitive stuff you’d do in regular HTML, which makes the whole process faster and less prone to errors.

I started this project not long before I applied for the MLH Fellowship, and I’ve been working on it whenever I can fit it between college work and my internship. I’ve got the front end — the part users interact with — up and running with Firebase, which is a platform that helps you quickly build and manage web apps. The backend — the part that does all the work behind the scenes — is still under construction. I’m hustling to get a more complete version done by November 17th, which is when my MLH Fellowship interview is scheduled.

The whole idea here is to show that a good project doesn’t have to be the fanciest or the most complex; it just has to work well for what people need. TrekQuest is straightforward — it connects travelers. But it’s also ambitious, tackling a real problem many of us face: how to travel without spending a ton.

Curious about the nitty-gritty? Check out TrekQuest on GitHub and see the work that got me qualified for the interview stage.

My Interview Experience

The old adage “the early bird gets the worm” rang true for my MLH Fellowship application process. My journey from clicking ‘submit’ on my application to the exhilarating moment of completing my interviews was both intense and rewarding. Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough of how it unfolded, captured in screenshots and insights that I hope will guide and inspire your own application journey.

Step 1: The Application

I hit ‘send’ on my application for the Spring 2024 batch and soon enough, the first acknowledgment came through — an email confirming that my application had been received. It’s crucial to apply early, as I learned that timing can be a significant factor in landing those sought-after interview spots.

Step 2: The Review Process Begins

Not long after, I received another email, this time informing me that my application was under review. The anticipation built up, but I took this moment to ensure everything in my application was squared away and reflected my best self.

Step 3: Scheduling the Personal Interview

This email, arriving with a mix of formality and anticipation, outlined the upcoming 10-minute video call designed to delve into my eligibility and passion for the program. It would be a distilled session to assess not just my understanding of the fellowship’s demands but also my communication skills, remote setup, and professional demeanor.

With no coding involved, it was set to be a pure exchange of motivations and expectations — a real conversation about fitting into the MLH community. It was time to articulate my eagerness to become an MLH Fellow and the unique qualities I could bring to the batch.

Step 4: The Real Deal with the Technical Interview

Then comes the technical interview. I’ve got it scheduled for the 17th of November, which means I’ve got a week to get my project done. This interview’s going to be a quick 15-minute run-through of what I’ve been working on. They’re not expecting me to explain every bit of my code, but I should be able to talk about any part of it. I need to show them what my app does, how I’ve made it better, and talk about the tech stuff I used to build it. And I can’t forget to whip up some clear documentation to show them. So, yeah, no pressure — just a regular night trying to beat the clock. 😬📝💻

The Outcome of My Application:

In the spirit of transparency and learning, I want to share the outcome of my application to the MLH Fellowship Spring A 2024 cohort. On January 27th, I received an email from the MLH Fellowship team, a message I had eagerly awaited, but it bore news I hadn’t hoped for. Despite the excitement and effort I poured into my application and project, I was informed that I would not be part of the Spring A 2024 cohort due to a lack of a suitable project match for me this semester.

The email explained that applicants are matched to projects based on a myriad of factors, including skills, interests, availability, and more. Unfortunately, even with a strong candidate pool, the number of available seats and project matches can’t accommodate all talented applicants, influenced by economic factors and an increasing number of applications.

While this outcome was disappointing, it provided me with a broader perspective on the competitive nature of such opportunities and the external factors that can influence decisions. This experience has taught me resilience and the importance of understanding that sometimes, “Not right now” doesn’t mean “Never.” It’s a reminder that there are many paths to achieving our goals, and setbacks can serve as stepping stones to other opportunities.

Looking Forward: Growth Beyond the Application

This journey, though not ending as I had hoped, still marks a valuable part of my growth in the tech field. It reinforces the importance of perseverance, continuous learning, and staying engaged with the community, whether through open-source contributions, personal projects, or other fellowships and internships.

For those of you who find yourselves in similar situations, remember that each application, each project, and every interview is a learning experience that propels you forward. The tech community is vast and filled with opportunities to grow, contribute, and make an impact.

Your Journey Is Just Beginning

To my fellow applicants and tech enthusiasts, let this be a reminder that our journeys are filled with both successes and setbacks. Each experience shapes us, offering lessons and new directions. If you’re facing a similar setback, know that it’s not a reflection of your abilities or potential. Keep building, keep applying, and most importantly, keep believing in your path.

I’ll be applying again in the future, armed with more experience, projects, and determination. And I encourage you to do the same. Continue to seek out opportunities for growth, stay connected with the community, and never lose sight of your passions.

Thank you for following my journey to the MLH Fellowship application. This chapter may have closed, but the journey continues. Stay tuned for more updates, projects, and reflections. Here’s to resilience, growth, and the endless pursuit of our passions in technology.

Happy Hacking,


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stanzin norzang

Passionate about computer science. When not coding, I am either strumming melodies on my guitar or pushing my limits in ultra marathons.