Top 5 React Native tools and libraries 2023

Snow Studios Ltd
4 min readJun 30, 2022


How wonderful is it to see a subject animate a random motion? Surprisingly, that appears to be above and beyond what we have experienced in the real world. This is just eye delight!

Animation and visual graphics have developed into essential components of mobile apps, and when used properly, they provide users with a pleasurable experience. Consider how the software products Facebook and Instagram have altered our perceptions of the user experience and customer journey.

Having said that, have you ever questioned the technology that underpins all these advantages?

React Native is the solution. It has been providing us with the best selection of animation libraries and UI elements with a dynamic declarative API since 2015. The community is expanding as a result, adding more new components and frameworks.

Consequently, selecting a specific library for your new React Native project can be difficult given the abundance of possibilities.

Be at ease! You can shortlist the top ones with my assistance. You can start your UX adventure with top-notch apps by consulting this article’s selection of the best React Native UI component libraries.

But first, let’s talk a little about React Native Libraries before we move on.

Quick Overview of the UI Libraries in React Native

In order to assist developers in creating cross-platform apps with a native appearance and feel, Facebook, one of the tech behemoths, develops and administers this app development framework (hence the name React Native).

Since then, it has been gaining popularity among developers and businesses everywhere because of its simplicity, extensive feature set, automated upgrades, amazing capabilities, better UI/UX, low learning curve, robust community, etc.

React Native now offers a wide variety of UI components and modules to speed up app development and ease developers’ tasks. You can incorporate a variety of extremely helpful components from the libraries to create stunning user interfaces for your web or mobile application.

Therefore, rather than developing lines of code from start, you may use those pre-made components and even change them to suit your application’s demands.

The Top 5 React Native Libraries for Front-End Development

To utilize in your project, you can discover a range of React Native libraries on GitHub. However, using stars as a ranking system can sometimes be deceptive and confusing. Hence, here I have prepared a list of the most popular libraries that developers frequently use on different projects. Check them out!

Eartho for React Native

Eartho developed this one-of-a-kind Auth flow that protects your users from being tracked. Eartho is a third layer that abstracts the complexity for you and protects your users from being tracked.
With simple one line of code the developer get all types of authentication, social logins, wallets and login with sms.

Lottie for React Native

Airbnb developed this one-of-a-kind UI framework for creating impressive animations. You can create native Android and iOS apps with free featured animations that the Lottie community provides. Additionally, this library allows you to create customized animations using Adobe After Effects.

With the help of the Bodymovin extension, Lotti can export your customized interfaces to JSON format and then render them in your native app. Because of the small-sized and vector-formatted files, you’ll be able to create a high-performance app while creating a visually-appealing UI.

React Native Elements

React Native Elements is perhaps the first library that pops up in a developer’s mind when they hear about React Native. Although this UI build kit follows Material Design principles, it’s more than just an opinionated design system; it offers developers fine control over the component structure.

Hence, you can model the components according to your need and have full control over the app design. It can also save a huge amount of time for you since you don’t have to rewrite the same code repeatedly. As a result, you’ll be able to quickly build a truly appealing app with easy-to-use and eye-catch features.

React Native UI Kitten

What an excellent name for a React Native framework! Based on the Eva Design System, this UI component library offers over 480 icons and allows you to create custom themes. You can also use or extend two in-built visual themes.


With 20+ vital UI components, UI Kitten is one of the few libraries that’s compatible with the right-to-left coding method for each of its components (note this fact if you’re working on global apps). It also supports web development. In this library, style classes are separated from business logic, and UI components are stored in the same way. This approach is similar to CSS, wherein style definitions are not attached to the code.

Using FastImage, a performant React Native image component, will help you improve your application without any extra effort. It exactly replaces the image component from React Native and adds some amazing features, such as caching and prioritizing and reloading.

React Native Vector Icons

An incredibly handy package for straightforward and customisable icons is React Native Vector Icons. These icons support ToolbarAndroid, NavBar, and TabBar. Icons are used by thousands of apps, and React Native Vector Icons is a well-liked library for user interface elements. This library, for instance, is used by React Native Paper for its default icons.

Standard icon sets and customized variations of them are both available in the React Native Vector Icons library. On GitHub, it has gotten over 11,000 stars.

