How my life changed after watching “Dead Poet Society (1989)”

1 min readMar 29, 2024


One thing I realize is that I’ve never been in this moment. I always look at the past or the future, yet I’m not enjoying my life at all. But there comes the world in the dead poet society movie “Carpe Diem.” Seize the day, make your lives extraordinary.” It changed me and put me in a new perspective of life. I started going out just to feel the air, the sun hitting my body, and seeing people walking along the road. I’m starting to use public transportation and learn to be patient while waiting for a bus. but won’t it be hard?? wont it be not easy?? yesss!!! yesss. Even when it’s the first time, I’m afraid because I never go out alone, even if I don’t know the location if not using Google Maps, but trust me, it’s worth it. These experiences put me in a new direction. For me, the universe is starting to change because when you want to become someone, you have to do something in your life, and sitting down and rooting in your room is not the decision that I take.




a human being who wants to make her mind open and wants to share her opinions about life.