What to Expect on your First Day Skiing

Snow Schoolers
4 min readDec 14, 2017


When done properly, skiing is an activity that is very enjoying, thrilling and satisfying. Many people fall in love with skiing after they have had the proper training to fully enjoy the experience. This activity is only comparable to ice-skating and rollerblading so most people are not naturals at it.

On the first day of skiing we recommend that everyone takes a lesson to start properly building the necessary fundamental skills. One will be accompanied by others who are also wanting to learn how to ski in the beginner area. The beginner area is very flat with a magic carpet to bring one back up the hill easily. Don’t worry! The beginner area is actually a safe area to learn because all of the instructors will be controlling their own groups to reduce collisions. Some of the equipment may not be the most comfortable to wear so make sure to ask your instructor if you are properly wearing it.

Photo credit: Deer Valley

At first, the instructor will have his/her skiers get comfortable with the equipment. He/she will discuss how the boots should feel, how a ski works, how the bindings work, and how to get up after falling. Then, the instructor will have the class push around in the flat ground to feel how the skis work and feel. Taking off one ski at a time and then pushing with the boot is also another great way to build comfort and confidence. The instructor will show the students how to balance and the proper athletic stance to be in while skiing. Another beginning concept is the ski wedge or pizza. This maneuver will slow down the skier and give he/she more control. These are a few of the things one can expect to learn and experience in the first day.

Some people have a fear of skiing or are intimidated by it. This will actually make it harder for someone to learn. The best way to break this fear is to know how to stop one’s self. The ski wedge, or pizza, will slow a skier down. But a controlled fall to one’s hip then side will take their momentum away and leave them stopped on the ground. This will be covered more in depth with your instructor and one will be able to practice and ask questions before being in a situation that requires stopping.

At the end of a day it is very likely that you will be sore. Skiing uses a lot of muscles that are not used in daily life. To prevent and minimize the soreness one should warm up (stretching) at the beginning of the day, take breaks throughout the lesson, and not push themselves too hard. These will help a skier to not become sore and ultimately have more fun.

7 Quick Tips to Know Before your First Lesson

  1. Ski Boots- Ski boots are the most important piece of equipment for a skier. A misfitted boot can ruin a great day for someone. Make sure to have comfortable, thin long socks to wear while skiing. If the boots do not feel correctly fit around one’s foot then try adjusting them. If that does not work ask your instructor for advice. Here is a video that will help you!

2. Walking on Snow- Snow can be very difficult to walk on especially while carrying equipment. Here is a video showing a couple techniques that will save a skier time and effort while on the mountain.

3. Carrying Skis- Skiers will have to carry their skis to the lift line or magic carpet line from either their car or the rental shop. Here is a great video showing the best couple techniques to do so.

4. Do not wear cotton- Cotton absorbs moisture into itself and will make the wearer cold and wet.

5. Eye protection- The sun reflects off of the white snow and will damage eyes over time. If one does not have access to snow goggles, nice glasses will work (polarized is ideal).

6. Sunscreen, chap stick- The sun reflects off of the white snow and will burn showing skin, the most common place to have showing skin is the face. Chap stick is also a great idea because one’s lips will start to dry out

7. Outerwear- Having the proper outerwear will keep one comfortable, warm and safe. A helmet will help keep one’s head safe incase of accidents. Gloves will stop one’s hands from getting cold, wet and hurt. Snow can actually be rougher than it looks and slightly cut up exposed skin, especially on cold days. Water proof jacket and snowpants will keep the skier warm and reduce the risk of cuts from the snow. Ski socks, or long socks, are necessary for one to have a properly fitting boot.

Ready to plan your first ski trip?

Head to www.snowschoolers.com & book a beginner lesson for as low as $85.



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