“Crimea will be liberated by next August, all roads lead to Crimea” Ben Hodges

The war in Ukraine shows no signs of slowing down during the winter months. Rather, we see intensified fighting and position warfare in the east and preparations for future offensives once the ground will freeze over in January.

Chris Snow
11 min readDec 14, 2022

The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. In a war of attrition, both parties think they can win. One is always wrong, and often, both are wrong. They can both end up with fewer resources than when they began.” Sun Tsu

What am I going to cover in this article?

  1. Update on the war
  2. The strategic bombing campaign against Ukraine
  3. General Information about the war
  4. Conclusion
Soon Ukraine will be whole again and able to decide its own future free from Russia’s yoke

The fighting in Ukraine has significantly slowed down over the past couple of weeks

Due to mud season in Ukraine, with snow and rain falling on the battlefield, offensive operations are currently very difficult to conduct.

The battle in the east is currently very fierce in the east around Bakhmut.



Chris Snow

30+ year old History Professor and educator. MA in Business Ethics and Modern European History. History has much to teach, but it doesn't find enough students.