Louvre unveils masterpieces from Dutch Golden Age

sara alromaithi
2 min readMar 25, 2019


ABU DHABI, March 23, 2019 — Dutch Golden Age masterpieces made an appearance mid-February in Louvre Abu Dhabi, following the 350th death anniversary of Rembrandt.

The exhibition became on view in February 14 and will proceed until May 18. The Louvre Abu Dhabi in collaboration with the Musée du Louvre, Agence France-Muséums and The Leiden Collection organized the most significant Dutch event yet in the Gulf region.

Entrance banner showcases “Rembrandt, Vermeer & the Dutch Golden Age” exhibition in Louvre Museum of Abu Dhabi, Saturday, March 23, 2019. (Moza Alkaabi)

The exhibition titled “Rembrandt, Vermeer and the Dutch Golden Age” illustrated the Dutch painters’ journey and the interconnection of their art careers. It featured more than 90 artworks from the 17th century and was consistent of paintings, commissions, and objects.

Rembrandt van Rijn, Jan Lievens and Johannes Vermeer were seen as exceptional artist peers that highly influenced each other’s career and work. The work of the three artists from the Dutch Golden Age was put on display for the public. Rembrandt, Lievens, and Vermeer are seen as the dominant figures that paved the way for the Dutch artistic movement.

With an emphasis on the life of Rembrandt van Rijn, 16 paintings of his were exhibited. His most famous work from the Leiden Collection; the oil painting Head of a Young Man, with Clasped Hands: Study of the Figure of Christ was the landmark that attracted visitors from all across the world.

Rembrandt’s rare artwork ‘The Head of a Young Man in Prayer’ being exhibited for the public in Louvre Museum of Abu Dhabi, Saturday, March 23, 2019. (Sara Alromaithi)

Following the independence of the state after freeing itself from the shackles of the Spains, the 17th century marked the golden age of the Dutch Republic. During that period, the Netherlands reached its peek in science and arts and was deemed as Europe’s most thriving nation.

Visitors from different parts of the world gathered to observe the masterpieces. Devika, a tourist from India, mentioned, “We did not get a chance to see the Louvre in Paris, so we thought this would be a good opportunity to see it here in Abu Dhabi.” Visitors expressed their impression and enthusiasm and believed the exhibition was a milestone in the tourism and cultural sector not only for the UAE, but for the Middle East as well.

Visitors observe Jan Lievens’s most prominent artworks from the Leiden collection in Louvre Museum of Abu Dhabi, Saturday, March 23, 2019. (Sara Alromaithi)


