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It could be just another story from my imaginary book, but this one was real

Andressa S
3 min readMay 6, 2023

Today, I’m here to share a special story about my adorable kitty, Frederico, aka Fred. Fred is a sweet and playful feline with a charming personality that wins over everyone who meets him.

Progress Updates

So far, we have received $100 in donations. We are just a little short of reaching our goal of $650! Please consider donating and/or sharing with someone else. Your support is crucial for Fred’s well-being.


He’s been going through a tough time and needs a blood transfusion to get better. I’m truly sorry for my absence lately, but I’ve been by his side, taking care of him with all my heart.

It's been challenging, but seeing Frederico fighting so bravely is both heartbreaking and inspiring. Your support means the world to us during this difficult period, and I'm grateful for each one of you.

Please keep sending positive thoughts and prayers his way. With all the love and care we're giving him, I believe he'll bounce back and be his playful and happy self soon.

I promise to keep you updated on his progress. Thank you all for being there for us and for understanding.

With heartfelt gratitude, 🌹

However, recently I discovered that he needs surgery on the tip of his ear to remove a lump and ensure his well-being and quality of life. I’m writing this article in the hope that you can help me raise funds for the necessary treatment. Every small contribution and share are highly important!

Image Andressa S

A Captivating Feline Friendship

Frederico came into our lives as a tiny and helpless abandoned kitten. Little did we know that this ball of fur would become such a beloved member of our family. Over time, Frederico has always shown himself to be an energetic and curious little kitty, always making us smile with his mischievous antics.

However, a short while ago, I noticed a lump on the tip of my little companion’s ear. Taking him to the vet, the diagnosis revealed that he requires surgery to remove the lump.

Image Andressa S

An Appeal for Help

As you can imagine, the cost of veterinary surgery can be quite high. As a cat mom, I’m ready to do whatever it takes to help Frederico make a full recovery. However, at the moment, the cost is higher than what I can afford as a freelance.

This is where you, amazing readers, come in! I have launched a fundraising campaign to cover the costs of Fred’s surgery and post-operative care. If each of you can contribute any amount, no matter how small, it will make a huge difference in his life.

The Importance of Sharing

In addition to contributing financially, you can also help by sharing this story with your families, friends, and on your social media. Believe me, a simple share can reach many people and increase the chances of reaching our goal.

Click here to access the campaign page and make your donation. I emphasize that any help, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated. Together, we can ensure that Frederico gets the surgery he needs and deserves!

Dear readers, thank you for taking the time to read Frederico’s story. He is a very special kitty to me, and my greatest wish is to see him healthy and happy again. With your help, we can make a big difference in his life. I’m sure I’ll have good news to share soon!

Learn more about Help Fredinho’s surgery: Let’s get him healthy! and find out how you can support

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Thanks for reading!! ✨️

Whether through donations or sharing, every gesture matters. I’m counting on you! Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated.



Andressa S

Those who do not recognize the value of words, do not recognize the value of people