Sean Ndiho Obedih
2 min readJul 10, 2017

The next episode: Back to basics.

I have come to learn and appreciate the power of self awareness especially when it comes to building companies. Companies are built by people and people can be fickle.

I have been very fortunate to work with some amazing people and brands who are leaders in their domain. One thing that they all have in common is the will to be the best and make a long lasting impact.

As I was plotting my next step in my professional career, thinking of the mistakes I made along the way, I was reminded by my 6 year old son that keeping things simple is always the best option. “Stick to basics”

Everything that I have been involved in so far since 2007 have been heavily underpinned by our Communications department. We built all of our brands internally,created all of the concepts and executed everything without hiring an external agency. I never considered the option of spinning it out as a standalone company up until I spoke to my long term mentor and I am glad I listened to his advice.

Fast forward to today, Sobek Communications is now a fully fledged full service communications company that focuses on Investment communications that works with government investment promotion agencies, fast growing companies/brands and individual CEOs (this is not a PR firm).

Our focus is helping clients to nail their narrative, attract investors and we do that by running effective campaigns that cut through the noise but delivered on time and on budget.

The rest of the business is composed of a production company and an investment arm that manages our portfolio and they are grouped under SobekVentureHoldings limited.

We have assembled a team of great minds but we are also looking for the best brains to join this movement.

Here is to the next chapter. Let’s sort out the basics.