Soberlink Reviews | Everything You Need To Know About This Alcohol Monitoring Device

Soberlink Reviews
2 min readDec 20, 2021


Soberlink might be a company that you have never heard of. It’s a company located in Huntington Beach, California that specializes in remote alcohol monitoring devices.

It’s also the most reviewed product in this niche on the market. According to Soberlink, their device has a high level of reliability and accuracy.

In this article we will review every part of the Soberlink device. But first let us start how this device actually works (we need to understand what we are researching).

How Does Soberlink Device Work?

I don’t mind saying it. I am pretty bad with technology. When I first wanted to review Soberlink I though it would be very, very hard to do so. Oh boy, was I wrong.

The devices of Soberlink have an electrochemical fuel-cell sensor. This sensor gives a response that you can compare with the BAC when a person gives a breath sample. It detects alcohol, and does not work with other substances that the person might have taken.

Other Resources

As you can see from this article, we are rather positive about Soberlink. We know many people that have had first hand experience with it. So we can say without a doubt that we would recommend it.

Their have been other companies that wrote extensive reviews about Soberlink. Below you’ll find some of these companies and what they think about this company.

Review By Michigan Criminal Attorney

Wolf of Wealth

These are online 2 external positive reviews on Soberlink. But even on high-quality sites such as Quora or Reddit people are raving about this company.

It’s safe to say that Soberlink is a 5-star company that we would recommend to anyone that is battling with alcohol addiction.

Our final score: 5/5. A company that helps people with their alcohol addiction this much deserves the highest score according to us.



Soberlink Reviews

Soberlink reviews is a review site about Soberlink, the remote expert alcohol monitoring device. It’s the most reviewed remote alcohol monitoring system.