PinnedPublished inThe Clear PathPersonal Benefits of SobrietyJust an article putting my thoughts out, added with personal tips for quitting alcoholNov 72Nov 72
Published inKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfA Page From My JournalDay 3, 11 am. Date: January 3rd, 20236h ago26h ago2
Published inNever Stop WritingAI Writers are Getting SmarterThey now generate niche-specific drivel4d ago44d ago4
Published inBlack BearI Am Grateful That I Abused AlcoholWithout that, I wouldn’t have known the beauty of life in sobrietyNov 284Nov 284
Published inKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfWhat Have I Achieved in LifeExcept for drunken stupidity, and a non-existent careerNov 256Nov 256
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Published inKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfI Almost Relapsed With an Intense CravingAfter almost two years of continuous sobrietyNov 196Nov 196
Published inNever Stop WritingThis Unique Technique Will Help You Beat OverthinkingPersonally applied lessons from my therapy and personal journey of sobrietyNov 136Nov 136
Published inNever Stop WritingI Almost Bought a $1000 Writing CourseMaybe God stopped me from making a fool out of myselfNov 126Nov 126