The more you read the more attractive you are to potential partners.

Daniel Sobey-Harker
5 min readJun 9, 2016

We’ve started pulling some stats from the backend here at MyBae and I thought I’d share some interesting finds I came across while looking through it.

Just to give you some basic understanding under the app users can use #tags to find partners that interest them. They can denote their passions, hobbies, or the sexuality they identify with.

Success Compared

Who’s Doing The Best Out Of Everyone?

It seems that users that used reading related tags had more success overall than any other tag type. A related tag is two people using the same tag. An unrelated tag is when neither person has a tag the same as the other. A partial match is when they use tags that are known to be related to one another but not quite the same (E.g: #Reading =/= #Books)

Out of all our matches 21% of those matches had related reading tags in common. This is much stronger than the average of 15% for all other matches that similar matches with music, films, or TV.

Even when looking at matches between people who don’t have tags in common shows an interesting result. It shows that 11% of people will try to match with someone who uses tags that show that they’re an avid reader. This compares to the next highest tag, music, in which only 7% of people who don’t have anything in common still match.

Looking Attractive

Do People Find Reading Sexy?

Little bit of wink wink, nudge nudge. — Image Source

While we don’t have any way of gauging objectively how attractive someone is we can tell when users are spending more time than average on someone’s profile when given the chance to try and match.

We found that people who utilised the reading tags had a slightly improved chance of matching — but also that users spent longer in general on their profile. Even profiles without pictures uploaded were viewed longer if they featured a reading related tag. As dating apps go that’s some serious contemplating going down right there.

Users that featured book specific tags such as #TheGirlOnTheTrain, #GameOfThronesBooks, #TheLastMan etc and showed at least 2 books had a dramatically increased chance of matching with someone than someone who didn’t.

In essence regardless of whether they were physically attracted to each other they were certainly intrigued.

It is also interesting to note that more when 64% of women on MyBae are readers when only 39% of men are. Well, out of those that declare it anyway.

Top Tags

What is Hip and With It?

The tags do give me a lot to ponder over— Image Source

In the top 100 tags 19% of those tags were reading related. With 6 tags dominating the top 25 top spots.

Ranking (Higher is better):

7. — # Reading
9. — # Books
16. — #(GameOfThronesBooks)
17. — #Fiction
21. — #Fantasy/Sci-Fi Books
24. — # Non-Fiction

As far as unique reading tags go we’ve got a handful of people (3 in total) using the tag #DetectiveNovellas across the world to try and find a partner. However with one of them in the U.S, one in the UK, and one in Spain I don’t think they’re going to meet any time soon.

How sad.

If anyone is reading this in the U.S, UK, or Spain however and #DetectiveNovellas are your jam…well go for it. Make someone happy.

My favourite book related tag hands down though is #NoBooksNoFucks which is apparently paraphrasing John Walter’s famous quote:

“If you go home with somebody, and they don’t have books, don’t fuck ‘em!”

Thankfully though there is only one user with the tag #ReadingSucks. It’s a bold strategy to proudly slate books in this day and age but let’s revisit this tag in a month and see if it has paid off.

Old Versus New

Book Lovers vs App Appreciators

Stuck in the middle of a pointless war between two sides that should be allies— Image Source

Something else I’d missed, as I’m a terrible community manager, is that we appear to have a subset of users warring over which format they prefer. This is either a university society or book club I’m sure, down to their chosen city in their profiles, but it’s interesting nonetheless.

Pro e-Reader tags:

#Kindle4Life, #SaveTheTrees, #KindlePower, #GetBooksAnywhere, #ConveienceWins, #ILoveMyKindle, #Kindle.

Anti e-Reader tags:

#FuckYourKindle, #PaperPower, #NewBookSmell, #PaperIsBest, #Paperbacks, #Hardbacks, #NoPowerNoProblems.

If we were to assume that each person using the tags listed above are for/against we can see that currently the anti e-Readers are winning at 71%.

User Behaviour

Who Are The Troublemakers In Our Community?

I’ve just gotten away with using all Carla Lomonaco GIFs instead of stockart — Image Source

The top 5 tags that users had in common when reported are as follows:

Ranking (Higher is worse):

  1. — #Lad (73 Reports)
  2. — #Drinks (34 Reports)
  3. — #Football (21 Reports)
  4. — #Gaming (14 Reports)
  5. — #NoFuckBois (11 Reports)

While it’s hard to say what these people have been doing to accrue so many reports and as we keep on top of things by a case-by-case basis it’s safe to say something went down. Be it against our code of conduct, dick pics (Guys, please, stop), or abusive behaviour.

We’ve had reports to settle arguments, assist with flirting, and more so it’s a bit hit and miss if you were to objectively weigh up how bad someone is being through reports alone.

However if we look towards the book tags on reporting by ranking we see the following:

Ranking (Higher is worse):

73. — #Reading (2 Reports)
89. — #Books (1 Reports)
120. — #GameOfThronesBooks (1 Reports)

That’s it.

That’s all the reports on readers. It seems those that use reading tags don’t get reports as frequently as those using other tags. Maybe they’re more sensible. That or maybe they’re just better at not getting caught at getting up to no good.

So what does this tell us?

Well honestly not a lot just yet. But once I’ve gone over the data thoroughly, as a lot of tags and quirks in people are revealing some interesting finds, I’m sure there’s something I’ll be able to come back and wave around. While some of these currently might be a case of coincidence than correlation I’m pretty happy with what I’ve found so far.

At a glance if this is anything to go by if you’re looking for love pick up a fucking book. If you don’t already know there’s plenty of special moments you can have between yourself and a good novel.



Daniel Sobey-Harker

Sometimes funny, often not. Recently returned from 3 years in China to the UK.