Sobhan Mowlaei
3 min readFeb 3, 2023

Web Scraping vs. Crawling: What’s the Difference?

In the world of data collection and analysis, two terms that you might have come across are web scraping and web crawling. Both techniques are used to extract information from websites, but they are distinct processes with unique characteristics.

Web scraping is the process of extracting specific data from a website and converting it into a structured format, such as a CSV file or a database. It typically involves writing code to interact with a website’s HTML and extract the desired information. For example, if you wanted to extract a list of product names and prices from an e-commerce website, you could write a web scraper to do so.

Web crawling, on the other hand, is the process of automatically visiting a large number of web pages and collecting information. Unlike web scraping, web crawling does not have a specific target in mind and is instead designed to gather data from a wide range of sources. This technique is often used by search engines to index websites and by businesses to gather information on competitors or market trends.

So, what are the key differences between web scraping and web crawling? Let’s take a closer look.

Targeted vs. Broad Data Collection

As we’ve seen, web scraping is focused on extracting specific data from a website, whereas web crawling is designed to gather a wide range of information. This difference has important implications for the tools and techniques used in each process.

For example, web scraping often requires you to inspect a website’s HTML and identify the specific elements that contain the data you want to extract. This can be a time-consuming process, but it allows you to obtain highly targeted data that can be used for specific purposes.

Web crawling, on the other hand, is much broader in scope and typically involves automated tools that visit a large number of websites and collect data without any pre-determined targets. This process can be quicker and more efficient, but the data gathered may be less targeted and relevant.

Code Complexity

The complexity of the code used in web scraping and web crawling also differs. Web scraping often requires more complex code as it involves interacting with a website’s HTML and extracting specific elements. This typically involves using libraries such as BeautifulSoup or Scrapy in Python, or tools like Octoparse for scraping websites.

Web crawling, on the other hand, can often be done with simpler code as it does not require the same level of specificity in data extraction. For example, you could write a simple Python script to automatically visit a large number of websites and collect data using the requests library.

Data Quality

The quality of the data obtained through web scraping and web crawling also differs. Web scraping is often used to extract highly targeted and accurate data from websites, as the data is specifically targeted and the code used to extract it is typically more complex.

Web crawling, on the other hand, is designed to gather data from a large number of sources, so the data collected may be less accurate and relevant. This is because web crawling typically involves automated tools that collect data without any pre-determined targets, and the quality of the data collected is often dependent on the quality of the websites visited.


In conclusion, web scraping and web crawling are two distinct techniques used to extract data from websites. While they both have their unique advantages and disadvantages, it’s important to understand the key differences between these two processes so that you can choose the right technique for your specific needs.

So, what do you think? Have you used web scraping or web crawling before, and what was your experience like? Let us know in the comments!

Sobhan Mowlaei

Hey there! My name is Sobhan, and I am a 14-year-old full-stack web developer who is passionate about technology. I have a special interest in blockchain and AI