There are 18 signals that you are an attractive man.

Sobin Samuel
8 min readOct 25, 2022


Are you attractive?

And, if so, what does it even mean?

Here are some signs that many people think you are physically appealing.

Many people who are attractive are unaware of their attractiveness.

Here are several signs that folks around you believe you are objectively physically beautiful.

1. You bring smiles wherever you go.

Smiling conveys a welcome and affirming message.

One of the most obvious signals that you are a handsome guy is that you draw smiles even when you are not smiling.

When you enter the room, people of all ages and genders seem to light up for no apparent reason.

It might be as simple as the fact that they enjoy your appearance.

2) Women and gay men become agitated when they are near you.

Women and gay men being agitated around you is a fairly accurate sign that you are an attractive man.

I’ll allude to women throughout this article, but the signals I describe may certainly also apply to gay men.


What does getting “flustered” mean?

Simply put, it means that people get quickly turned on around you on a frequent basis, signs of which can be:

  • Blushing suddenly
  • Getting a hoarse voice
  • Fidgeting or shuffling around you
  • Being clumsy when they see you
  • Stuttering or saying silly things around you without intending to

3) You attract others to yourself.

Others are drawn to you if you are a handsome man.

Of course, it’s not only about your physical look; it’s also about your drive and inner purpose.

What are you aiming for? What gets you out of bed in the morning? When you know deep down in your bones, you become captivating, and your charisma skyrockets.

So, how do you figure it out?

Positive visualization and “raising your vibrations” actually backfire and send you to a daydream world.

Instead, I offer this unusual new method of discovering your purpose that does not include visualizing.

4) You don’t believe you’re attractive.

Whether I asked you if you’re a good person, one of the best signs is that you’d probably answer “not really.”

It’s comparable to being attractive.

Many of the most gorgeous men and women do not consider themselves to be attractive.

You may discover that you’ve always been self-conscious or nervous about your looks and that you have difficulty accepting and trusting compliments.

That’s because true beauty isn’t just on the outside; it’s also an interior attitude of not being arrogant or boasting about your physical attractiveness.

5) However, some consistently state that you are

This problem in believing you’re attractive can sometimes be attributed to humility and a desire not to claim credit for your appearance.

After all, how did you “earn” your gorgeous face or eyes?

Others, on the other hand, appear to continually compliment you on your wonderful smile, your handsomeness, and your romantic success.

Of all, being gorgeous does not guarantee romantic success, just as it does not guarantee it for women.

However, if you receive these kinds of compliments frequently, you can be certain that, at least by your society’s standards, you are a hot guy.

6) Others frequently appreciate your style and taste.

Of course, being attractive is more than just having a good face and a good figure.

It’s also about certain things you can manage, including your style, personal grooming, and taste.

I’m referring to how you style your hair or lack thereof, how you dress, the shoes you wear, your glasses or lack thereof, and even how you move and talk.

In some ways, all of these might be considered aspects of your personal brand, albeit many are subconscious or even intrinsic.

Nonetheless, if people are frequently “picking up what you’re putting down,” as it were, you’re probably a really beautiful person.

7) When you enter a room, you create a tremendous impact.

What occurs when you enter a room?

For the vast majority of us, the answer is, well, nothing.

But when you’re a hot guy, you make a statement.

People turn their heads, girls gasp their breath, and straight guys stare in jealousy at you.

You walk right in, unnoticed, while the rest of the world salivates or covertly envies your good looks.

You’re probably as hot as a tamale on a campfire.

8) You are responsible for your ugliness.

If you are not physically appealing, it may appear that people will not be attracted to or physically want you.

Nobody wants a consolation reward or an attraction based on compassion or apathy. We all want to be genuinely desired.

If you discover that you aren’t classically gorgeous and aren’t viewed by most as a handsome man, there is a method to confront it in a way that will make you actually more appealing.

It all comes down to fully owning the fact that you’re not classically attractive.

Deep acceptance and love for who you are can be far more powerful than any genetic combination that happens to fall in your favor.

9) You’re fit and muscular.

In terms of what you can control to some level, it’s true that you can do a lot with your physique. This involves dieting, working out, other sorts of exercise, and working on your physique.

One of the most obvious signals that you are a handsome guy is that you receive comments on your physical appearance.

When you go to the gym, you will notice that females are looking at you and may smile at you more than the ordinary guy.

Smolder away, lovely boy.

10) You induce orgasm in women in bed.

Let’s take this to the NSFW (not safe for work) level.

If you’re a supermodel who receives oohs and aahs wherever you go but can’t get a woman to make a peep in bed, your hotness is in doubt.

Making women climax in bed is one of the most consistent signals that you are an attractive person beyond the superficial level.

There will be no faking or overacting. Simply satisfying a woman with your gorgeous, macho skills can increase your ego.

It may not happen every time, but if it happens at least some of the time, you are unquestionable of the hotter male species.

11) You are memorable.

“Wait, who are you again?” is not something that many incredibly attractive men hear.

People instead prefer to pursue them in order to get their attention and favor.

Instead, students are being asked if they recall people far more frequently. Women desire their attention and actively seek their affection and interest.

This isn’t always the case for insecure straight guys, who may be resentful of the competition that a hot guy provides.

12) Some people think you should be a model.

The issue about modeling and being gorgeous is this:

They are not directly connected, and this is a frequent myth.

Especially in the last decade or so, stereotypically attractive male models have frequently been passed over for more weird or unique-appearing individuals who can attract more attention, have a stronger brow line, and so on.

Nonetheless, the fact that modeling still includes and is considered to include a lot of typically gorgeous people implies that if you’re frequently asked to model…

You’re probably as spicy as a giant jalapeño sandwich drenched with tabasco.

13) Others are really courteous to you.

Have you ever spent time with a celebrity or a wealthy person?

You’ll notice that most individuals react differently to them:

They stop what they’re doing, put on their finest face, and become all grins.

They attempt to do everything they can for this prominent and wealthy man, not just for a photo or a handshake, but also for the tale they can tell their friends afterward.

And who knows, a truly interesting meeting may lead to information exchange and a job opportunity down the line, right?

This is similar to how it feels when you’re incredibly gorgeous but on a much smaller scale.

People, especially women, pay more attention to you and treat you more nicely and considerately than everyone else.

Is it only that you’re highly handsome, or do you also exude a nonverbal and lively “vibe”?

To be honest, I believe it’s both, although appearances definitely help.

This leads me to my next point.

14) Women get lippy when they’re near you.

Let us now discuss lips. In certain circumstances, we eat with them, kiss them, and conduct a variety of other less PG-rated activities with them.

When women and men get aroused, they tend to lick and bite their lips.

When they’re turned on, they also look at their target of desire’s lips.

So pay close attention:

Are women chewing and licking their lips around you as if you were a juicy piece of meat?

Are they making eye contact with your lips as well?

At the very least, whichever woman is doing that to you, you can be certain that she regards you as a delectable dish that she wishes to taste.

15) When you’re around, women feel tongue-tied.
Awkward silence is another surprising clue that you are an attractive guy.

This is especially true when discussing a bashful woman.

She becomes tongue-tied around you and has no idea what to say…

She stammers and stutters…

She laughs uncomfortably because she has no reason to.

16) How come you’re still single?

What kind of questions do people not ask an ugly guy?

“How come you’re still single?”

If men or women are asking you this, it’s because you’re appealing.

It’s as simple as that.

This is especially true if the individual is unfamiliar with you, what you’re searching for, or your personality.

It indicates they can’t discern your single status based just on your appearance, which suggests you’re attractive and desirable in their eyes.

17) Rejection is infrequent and just somewhat painful.

Rejection is undoubtedly unpleasant for everyone.

However, one of the signals that you’re an attractive guy is that you rarely get rejected, and when you do, you don’t care.


Because you have other alternatives.


Because you’re so attractive and seductive.

Should I go on…?

18) You do not seek attention.

Finally, and most crucially, one of the top indicators that you are a handsome guy is that you do not want attention.

More often than not, you will discover that you have an abundance of it.

Regardless of your physical appearance or how attractive people think you are, you never approach life superficially and do not seek praise or attention.

You know what you want out of life, and you’re determined to live it on your terms.

What, after all, is physically appealing?

With all this emphasis on being a physically appealing guy, let me explain what that entails.

At least according to research, being physically appealing has definite indicators, however, this may likely vary depending on who is judging.

Being a gorgeous guy, according to Ruchika Thukral, entails traits like:

“Physical characteristics indicating excellent health and immunity, such as height, good posture, well-developed muscles, and evidence of a gorgeous face, such as dark facial brows, high cheekbones, and a sharp jawline…

Other indicators of beauty include a pleasant fragrance, a deep voice, confidence, friendliness, and a fascinating demeanor.”

Developing inner and outer beauty I’m not going to sit here and tell you that beauty is totally subjective.

That is not anything I believe.

Although appearance standards differ from culture to culture, there are demonstrable and persistent patterns of what each sex considers appealing.

Nonetheless, there are many happy “non-attractive” guys out there, as well as many miserable “beautiful” people.

As a result, it is critical to becoming appealing on the inside and out, and most importantly, to become attractive to yourself.

Finding your life’s purpose is the finest approach I’ve found to take a firm step toward this level of beauty.

Remember, at the end of the day, the only person whose opinion matters in this situation is your own!



Sobin Samuel

My name is Sobin Samuel, I’m an aspiring writer and YouTuber. Buy me a coffee if my research was of any use to you.