Baking Soda Shampoo Will Make Your Hair Grow Faster Than Ever!

Sobiyah Faheem
2 min readSep 29, 2023

This is out of person experience with 100% results !!

Due to its numerous different characteristics, baking soda is one of the most widely used and versatile ingredients for cooking, cleaning, and for treating a long list of health problems. Did you know that baking soda has the ability to better the quality of your hair and remove any residues from shampoos and conditioners? It will also make your hair shinier! Amazing, right? Let us check out what else it has to offer…

The Benefits of Baking Soda for the Hair

Lowers the oiliness level

People with oily hair often experience smelly hair too, which is a rather embarrassing problem. This is because oily hair is known to absorb pollutants from the environment and stronger smells more than people who do not have this type of hair. This is where baking soda can help because it lowers the oiliness and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Its alkalinity will also regulate the cells’ pH and it will maintain its cleanliness and health.

Prevents dandruff

Baking soda can help you eliminate annoying white flakes from the scalp and hair by cleaning it thoroughly. It will also restore the pH balance.

How to Make Your Own Baking Soda Shampoo

If you enjoy DIY remedies and if you want to put an end to the exposure to dangerous chemicals present in store-bought products, make sure you prepare the recipe…

