Ginny Weasley| A Legend

3 min readNov 1, 2022


I love Ginny Weasley! There’s not a good enough word to describe this feisty, courageous and gorgeous woman! Today, I’m going to be making a sort of fact file about her, so I hope you enjoy! If you’re a Harry Potter Fan or a Ginny Weasley please respond to this!

Ginevra Molly Weasley was born on the 11th August 1981 to her two parents Arthur and Molly Weasley. She has 6 brothers, one of whom died during the battle of Hogwarts. Her brother Ron was Harry Potter’s best friend and her friend Hermione Granger was a friend of Harry Potter’s too. Ginevra prefers to be called Ginny and her Patronus is a horse, very familiar to Harry’s(which was a stag)because she had a major crush on him. In her first year of Hogwarts, she was rescued by Harry from the Chamber of Secrets where Tom Riddle(Lord Voldemort when he was young) had taken her. She had written in his diary and therefore he fed on her soul and made her petrify students in Hogwarts with muggle parents. Thanks to Harry, she was saved from dying in the Chamber! Then in Ginny’s 4th year she started dating a boy called Michael Corner and soon after she ditched him, she moved on to Dean Thomas whom she started going out with in her 5th year. After breaking up with Dean, she finally became Harry’s girlfriend after Harry realised he had very strong feelings for Ginny. Their first kiss was in the Gryffindor common room after Gryffindor had won the Quidditch Cup! She LOVES quidditch just like Harry and later on became a Quidditch player for the famous Quidditch team, Holyhead Harpies, after retiring she became a sports editor. Harry had to break up with Ginny so that Voldemort couldn’t use her to get Harry and Harry certainly didn’t want her killed. However, Ginny gave Harry a snog for his 17th birthday and he watched her on the Marauders Map when he was hunting horcruxes. They became a couple again after Harry killed Voldemort and soon got married and had three children: James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter. Ginny is very talented and intelligent witch and not naïve like she was in her first year when she was bewitched by Voldemort. She is incredible at jinxing people especially using the Bat Bogey Hex. Her wand is 14 1/8 inches and made out of yew, which makes it very flexible. Ginny is my hero and I always try to be exactly like her; dedicated to my hobbies, intelligent, brave, feisty, speaking my mind and just being me! She is a pureblood and was sorted in to Gryffindor house. In the movies, she was played by Bonnie Wright but I feel she was displayed a much better and more involved character in the books, as always with the original version. Ginny is a very independent and capable witch and has fought along Harry’s side on more than one occasion. I guess the reason I like Ginny is because I used be timid and shy just like she was in her first year but I moved on and became stronger and better within time, just like my hero Ginny Weasley did!




Hi I'm Dee! I love writing and my life motto is to always have fun no matter what, 'cuz a happy life is a good life!