How can I raise my credit score to 50 points in 35 days?

3 min readJan 4, 2022


Your credit score decides on what lower or higher interest rate you will get loan services. It is a must for you to maintain your good credit score so that you can access financial resources at lower interest-rate easily. Moreover, an excellent credit score portrays your good image in front of lenders or banking institutions.

So, if you are suffering from bad credit or want to increase your credit score to 50 points or more in 35 days then follow the tips & tricks of this guide & learn the Best Ways to Boost Credit Score.

Additionally, try the Best Ways to Boost Credit Score by contacting SoCal Credit Repairs that offers expert bad credit repair services, & free credit consultation, etc.

1. Lower Your Credit Utilization Ratio

This is the first way to increase your credit score. By following this way, you should use no more than 30% of your credit limit on both individual & all cards. For example, if your credit limit is $500 then try to spend no more than $150 or 30% of its limit. This way you can jump to 50 points quickly or in 35 days.

2. Dispute Errors on Your Credit Report

The second way is to get rid of negative items on your credit report. Even some consumers have tried this way & increased their credit score by 50 to 100 points. For this, you can contact the three main credit bureau like Equifax, Experian, & Trans Union.

3. Contact the Best Bad Credit Repair Company

Want to know the Best Way to Boost Credit Score? Yes, then there is the one-stop solution for you to contact SoCal Credit Repairs. We are the leading credit repair company making client’s credit reports error-free. At SoCal Credit Repairs, we remove negative questionable items from your accounts, offers free credit consultation, & challenge your creditors, etc. Our experts are available 24*7 to give you credit repair services & giving you consultation services.

4. Make Payments on Time

When you make payments on time then it improves your credit history. If you are late by making payments by 30 days or more then it affect your payment history & let you suffer from bad credit. But if you pay your dues on your time then you can increase your credit score easily.

Contact SoCal Credit Repairs today!

If you want to increase your credit score quickly then you should not wait to contact the best credit repair company — SoCal Credit Repairs. We are experts in making clients credit reports error-free. SoCal Credit Repairs have professionals who analyze your credit score, give you credit repair services, & how to maintain your credit score for the long term.

SoCal Credit Repairs remove questionable negative items from your account, challenge your creditors, & give you tips & tricks to maintaining your credit score.

Overall, SoCal Credit Repairs can easily increase your credit score by 50 or more points in 35 days.

Contact us today!


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Socal Credit Repairs have years of experience in evaluating credit and guiding consumers to assert their legal rights.