High Alert of Heatwaves! Things you can do to save yourself from the heat effect!


Don’t ignore the high alert of heatwaves in your state. Get to know sustainable ways to tackle the heat.

Indian Summers reach the utmost level of unpleasantness with scorching sun and unbearable heat. Moreover, we have been witnessing the effects early in March in recent years. These effects raise concerns over the upcoming months in which the severity of heat reaches its peak. IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) has issued a high alert for heatwaves in almost all the major parts of India.

The IMD has issued a warning to most of the states in India about the upcoming heatwave. The maximum temperature of the cities can rise above 40°C due to the heat waves. But when does a condition become a heat wave condition? According to IMD, a heatwave occurs when the maximum temperature exceeds 45°C. Or when there is a significant increase of 4.5°C to 6.5°C in the temperature during that period in summer. What causes the heat waves? A heatwave occurs due to trapped air. When high atmospheric pressure moves into an area and stays there for a few days, it causes heatwaves.

When we look at the larger picture, climate change plays a massive role in causing frequent heat waves. Global Warming is not only causing unexpected weather changes, but it is also causing conditions to reach extremes. Across the world, hot days keep getting hotter every year. Every year the heat record is broken, which is quite concerning.

The increasing heat is seriously affecting human and environmental health altogether. People get more prone to fatigue, exhaustion, skin diseases, and extreme dehydration due to scorching heat. Agriculture is severely affected. Cases of wildfires and droughts are rapidly increasing through the years.

It has become crucial to develop and implement prompt solutions to curb the increasing effect of heat. Usually, people resort to ACs to save themselves from the fierce heat. But this solution has several drawbacks. Installing an air conditioning system is a hassle in itself. Moreover, air conditioning worsens environmental health by emitting CFC. CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) damages the ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere, which protects us from harmful UV rays. Air Conditioning is an expensive option because it needs constant maintenance. All in all, it’s not a sustainable solution to heatwaves.

So what are the sustainable solutions for extreme heatwaves? In urban areas, the situation gets worse. The increase in the development of concrete jungles has contributed highly to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. The concrete buildings and pavements trap the reflected heat. Urban areas are the most affected by the heatwaves. Furthermore, this affects the people in those buildings and the atmosphere altogether. Let’s look over the solutions we can implement during the heat waves.

  • Make unanimous plans to grow more trees in urban areas to provide shade and cool the air.
  • Adopt energy-efficient solutions during the heatwave.
  • Adopt cool and green roof solutions for buildings & homes and cool pavements to decrease the Urban Heat Island effect.

Cool Tops by Panache is an economic & adoptable sustainable solution to reduce the effects of heatwaves in urban areas. It contributes to cool and green roof solutions for any type of built structures, buildings and homes. How? Applying Cool Tops on the roofs and walls significantly drops the increase in surface temperature of the building beside getting it cool faster and thus provides thermal comfort & heat emission in the atmosphere, adding to the rise in city air temperature. Furthermore, Cool Tops also include solutions for cool pavements, eventually reducing the Urban Heat Island Effect. Cool Tops is a pragmatic, smart, and sustainable solution for heatwaves.

For your requirement of COOL TOPS for your projects & your desire for business associations with us, feel free to connect at 9925188046 or mail at sales@panachegreen.com.

