Custard Apple Unveiling Myths And Facts About This Superfruit

3 min readOct 17, 2023


If you’re on the hunt for a yummy and nutritious fruit to add to your daily eats, look no further than the custard apple. Known as sitafal in India, this delightful, creamy fruit not only delights your taste buds but also comes with a basket full of health perks. In this blog, we’re here to clear up some myths and share intriguing facts about custard apples, all in simple words, so you’ll be tempted to add them to your next grocery order. Fun fact: they’re also called “cherimoya”!

Myth 1: Custard Apples Make You Gain Weight Contrary to belief, custard apples, while a bit calorie-rich, are also crammed with crucial nutrients and fiber. A medium-sized custard apple has around 235 calories, which you can easily fit into a balanced diet. Their fiber content helps you feel full, so go on, and enjoy this sweet treat without guilt as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Myth 2: Custard Apples Are a No-No for Diabetics Yes, custard apples have natural sugars, but their glycemic index is low. Translation: sugar released slowly, avoiding sudden sugar spikes. With their fiber, custard apples help control blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. Diabetics can savor them in moderation as part of their balanced meal plan.

Myth 3: Custard Apples are a Mess to Eat Custard apples are unique with creamy flesh and lots of seeds, but no worries — you can enjoy them without chaos! Here’s how:

  • Slice the custard apple in half and scoop the flesh with a spoon.
  • Blend it with milk or yogurt for a yummy smoothie.
  • Use it in desserts like puddings, ice creams, or custards.

Myth 4: Custard Apples Aren’t for Kids Actually, custard apples are fantastic for little ones. They’re loaded with vitamins and minerals for healthy growth. The creamy texture and sweet taste appeal to kids. Offer small servings as snacks or toss them in breakfast smoothies. But remember, take out the seeds before sharing them with young children.

Myth 5: Custard Apples Are Seasonal While custard apples shine from September to November in India, you can now relish them all year round. Thanks to online ordering, you can get these delightful exotic fruits delivered to your doorstep, no matter the season. No more waiting!

In a Nutshell

Custard apples are more than just a tasty treat; they’re a superfruit filled with health perks. Suitable for all age groups, they’re an excellent addition to your balanced diet. So, why not add custard apples to your next grocery list? Visit Pluckk today and order custard apples online to effortlessly enhance your daily meals with their sweetness and creaminess. Enjoy!

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