Brace Yourself, The Alpha Is Out.

3 min readMar 14, 2018


It’s now time to separate the talkers from doers. Ones with fancy roadmaps to those who actually deliver. ICO’s that deliver from the ones that go ‘dark’.

We started our journey last year, with the planned Alpha launch in Q3 of 2018. Then again — we could ever have foreseen the awesomeness of our dev team. Their long hours along with some red bull and doritos resulted in Enkidu releasing the Alpha a full 6 months ahead of schedule.

The platform can be accessed on Please note as in with any alpha, bugs could be found and we promise to squash them over the coming months — ahead of our Beta release.

Introducing Enkidu — Global Collaboration Platform with seamless payment splitting

Enkidu helps small global and local teams collaborate with ease. The core functionality of Enkidu is centered around a unique payment gateway, that makes the process trustless. Here’s what Enkidu offers:

  • A global platform where users can find like minded individuals and collaborate with them.
  • A digital contract that binds collaborators on mutual acceptance with a payment split decided beforehand.
  • A “resolution” voting system that has a private record of resolutions passed by the collaborative entity.
  • An abuse-proof votekicking system that allows teams to remove poor contributors, along with IP Protection. This also comes with a sales and commission mechanism that works automatically.
  • All these features are built upon a Smart Contract based payment gateway that handles payment splitting.

Features of the Alpha release

  • Start a project

The alpha allows you to start a project. Project could be anything ranging from a freelancing content gig to a coffee brewing company.

  • Find collaborators

You can now find collaborators who are rated individually to collaborate on your next idea or project.

  • Vote Dilution

We have also added the feature of vote dilution. This lets you dilute the current share of votes to accommodate more collaborators or investors.

  • UI and UX Improvements

We here at Enkidu believe that user comes first. A brilliant product with a bad UI would be a mediocre product at its best. Keeping this in mind, we have designed a clear and minimal material UI with an intuitive UX.

  • Miscellaneous

We also have worked on

  1. Security Upgrades
  2. Unit testing and benchmarking all components

Upcoming Features

  • Add investors

In the future you would be able to find and add investors to your project. These investors will back projects and introduce funding.

  • Withdraw locked Escrow funds

You will soon be able to withdraw from your locked Escrow funds.

  • Convert projects into a full fledged company

If your project becomes successful and it makes considerable money, we understand if you would like to move out of our platform. With this feature you would be able to shutdown your projects and convert it into a full fledged company.

We are incredibly humbled by the support of the community so far and are excited to display our progress. We hope you share our enthusiasm for what’s in store for the future. A huge thank you to every community member from the team. We can’t wait to hear from you in the comments below.

To the Moon!

Team Enkidu

Check out our social media handles here:








Enkidu is a blockchain based platform that helps individuals collaborate globally and perform seamless payment splitting amongst team members.