Enkidu Official Investor Guide

14 min readMar 11, 2018


We prepared a detailed guide with pictures, that will help you to prepare and execute your contribution to our whitelist pre-sale/crowd sale.

WARNING: PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEPS AND INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY IN ORDER THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SAFELY PARTICIPATE IN THE ENK TOKEN WHITELIST SALE AND CROWD SALE. Missing a simple step might result in you not being able to participate or in the worst-case scenario even in you losing your investment.

Major steps for your safe investment:

  1. Open a private Ethereum Wallet
  2. Acquire Ethereum
  3. Transact Ethereum to your private Ethereum Wallet
  4. Register and Pass the KYC process
  5. Contribute

If you already have fulfilled any of these steps (when investing in cryptocurrencies before), you of course just do remaining steps to close-up the investment.

Disclaimer : All instructions and steps are based on best practices on security and ease of use. There are several other approaches and solutions, that are not appropriate for users without advanced knowledge on the blockchain technology and software.

Whitelist Pre-Sale and Crowd Sale features and warnings

ONLY Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency will be accepted in contributions

In order to acquire ENK Tokens on Whitelist pre-sale or Crowdsale, you will be able to contribute Ethereum Cryptocurrency only. Sending other cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin — BTC, Litecoin — LTC etc.) at the process of contributing will result in a permanent loss due to technical limitations of the process.

WARNING: Use PRIVATE Ethereum wallets for contributing, NOT Online Exchange accounts.

Please do NOT send Ethereum from Online Exchanges (Bitstamp, Kraken, Bittrex, Livecoin, Bitfinex etc.). Each of Ethereum addresses at Online exchanges are specially dedicated for only one cryptocurrency (e.g. Ethereum) and are unable to handle issued ENK Tokens. Sending Ethereum directly from Online Exchange account will most probably result in a permanent loss of your ENK Tokens or at least months of negotiating with Online Exchange’s Support.

Create and contribute from your own, private, ERC-20 compatible, Ethereum wallet. There are several ways to create your own wallet, we will describe some in later steps.

STEP 1 : Open a private Ethereum wallet

There are several ways to open your private Ethereum wallet. What does it mean that it is “private”? It means, that you have the access to your private key, a string of numbers and letters, that must always stay secured — never share it with anyone. For security reasons, these private keys are often additionally encrypted with your own password.

General (most common) Ethereum wallet use-cases:

  1. Keystone file (UTC/JSON) + password, generated on MyEtherWallet.com web page and saved on several secured locations (recommended option),
  2. Full node, desktop software solutions — Mist, Parity. Wallet synchronization can take up to several days. (good choice for advanced users),
  3. Hardware wallets, such as Trezor and Ledger, that will keep your private keys secured (advanced use-case, recommended for increased security)
  4. Metamask for usage in browsers (for advanced users only)

Creating private Ethereum wallet with MyEtherWallet.com

We will describe the most common use case: Opening a private Ethereum wallet with myetherwallet.com If you already have an ERC-20 compatible wallet, please go directly to Step 2 below. If you do not have it yet, please read the instructions below in every detail.

WARNING: When using myetherwallet.com in your browser, always check, if

you are on a legit website.

Never click on links on other webpages or in mails, that can lead you to malicious phishing websites, that are perfect copies of original site. Using these malicious sites you will reveal your wallet (keystore & password) to hackers, that will irreversibly take all your funds from your wallet! You must see a proper address and certificate:

IMPORTANT: myetherwallet.com site operates offline and will only propagate signed transactions to Ethereum blockchain. Be sure that a computer which you use to open this website through a browser, is properly secured with a firewall and an antivirus software.

To open/generate a wallet on MyEtherWallet, please visit https://www.myetherwallet.com/ and choose a strong password (e.g. not less than 15 characters long, consisted at least from one lowercase, one uppercase, one numeric sign). Choose the “Create New Wallet” button to confirm.

Thereafter, you will be requested to download your wallet keystore file. Save the file on a secure location and also make an additional copy (USB or similar). Thereafter, choose “I understand. Continue.” to proceed.

RECOMMENDATION: Always keep your keystore file on at least two secured storages/locations, accessible only to you. Write down your password and place it somewhere safe (not on the same spot or storage as keystore file), in case you forget it.

The next step is crucial. The page will reveal you your Private Key. In case you will forget your password, you will be able to access your wallet only with this Private Key. Save it on a secure location and again make a backup copy or two. Make sure that if you will store your Private Key in a digital form, only you have access to it. Also make a paper form backup of your Private Key and store it safely. Here we strongly recommend using a hardware wallet, such as Trezor (https://trezor.io/) or Ledger (https://www.ledgerwallet.com/). In order to proceed, choose “Save Your Address” button.

WARNING: Never share your wallet keystore file & password or private key with other people.

Accessing your private Ethereum wallet with myetherwallet.com

You will be able to check your wallet balances by choosing “View Wallet Info” tab. In addition you will also be able to see your public account Address, on which you are able to receive (deposit) ETH as well as ENK(and other Tokens).

You can now access your wallet by unlocking it with your keystore file and by entering password. Choose “Keystore File (UTC / JSON),” and select your wallet file as well as enter your wallet password. After selecting your wallet file and entering a corresponding password, click “Unlock” button to gain the access to your wallet. We do NOT recommend using your Private Key to access your wallet due to security reasons.

Initially, Tokens balances will not appear, you must click on “Load Tokens” button to analyze your Token balances. If ENK Balance still doesn’t appear, you will have to “Add Custom Token”, where you will have to provide an address on ENK Smart Contract, that will be available on the Enkidu website.

In general, it is safe to share your public Address with other people to receive ETH and/or tokens, but still be cautious.

INFO: You don’t need to access your wallet just to check your wallet balances. Use etherscan.io webpage and insert your public (not private!!) address to see your past transactions and current balances.

STEP 2 : Acquire Ethereum

In order to participate in the ENK Token Whitelist pre-sale or Crowdsale, you will need Ethereum (ETH). Although there exist several ways, most common and practical way is to buy ETH on Online Exchange. We strongly recommend using services of a proper online exchange, such as Kraken, Bitstamp, Bittrex. We will describe registration and verification process on Kraken online exchange, similar procedures apply for other online exchanges.

Please note that cryptocurrency is in a rather high demand at the moment. It may take quite some time to open your exchange account and complete the verification process (up to 14 days). We thus suggest to start the account opening and verification procedure soon enough, so that you will be ready for the Token Crowdsale start.

If you already have an ERC-20 compatible wallet and sufficient amount of ETH on it, please proceed directly to Step №3. If you do not have it yet, please read the instructions below in every detail.

After the purchase, you will need to send ETH to the ERC-20 compatible wallet (from Step 1 above).

IMPORTANT: Once you will buy ETH on a below exchange or on any other exchange, NEVER send such ETH to Crowd-funding Address. In first step, transfer it to your personal Wallet and send ETH to InsurePal Crowd-funding Address from a private wallet ONLY in second step.

Opening an account on Kraken online exchange

Go to www.kraken.com and enter the required data (email, username and password). Tick the square that you agree with their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (naturally, only if you agree). Then choose the “SIGN UP” button. You will get a verification email which you will have to confirm. The activation link from the email will bring you back to the main page, where you will have to enter the password (make sure you thick the “I am not a robot” square) and thereafter choose the “ACTIVATE ACCOUNT” button.

Verify your identity on Kraken

Before you will be able to buy ETH, you will first need to get verified. Choose the “GET VERIFIED” bar and scroll down the page where you will have to enter your data and provide additional information and documents.

At the moment of the opening of the account you will automatically be assigned “Tier 0” status. Additional options available are “Tier 1”, “Tier 2” and “Tier 3” (while for Tier 4 — corporate account, you would need to contact the support per e-mail). Enter the data requested, depending on which Tier you would like to achieve. The system will guide you through the process. After you fill the data Required for Tier 1, choose the “GET VERIFIED” button.

Once you will reach the required Tier you will have to wait for some time to get verified (it may take up to several hours or even days, depending on the Tier level you are getting verified).

In order to be able to make deposits in USD ($) or in EUR (€) you will have to reach Tier 2 (EUR or USD deposits of up to USD 2,000 (daily limit) and USD 10,000 (monthly limit) or Tier 3 (EUR or USD deposits of up to USD 25,000 (daily limit) and USD 200,000 (monthly limit).

Transfer money to your Kraken account

Once your account got verified (either as Tier 2 or as Tier 3) you can deposit USD ($) or EUR (€) or other fiat currencies to your Kraken account.

Choose the “Funding” tab and then “Deposit” tab. Now select “Euro (EUR)” (or other currency) in the left column. If depositing from a SEPA area you then choose the “Fidor Bank AG SEPA” method for a SEPA transfer. Transfer at least 50 EUR. Include your reference number so that the transfer will be assigned to your Kraken account. Within a few days the money should be on your Kraken account.

Exchange your deposited funds for Ethereum on Kraken

Once the money will be credited towards your Kraken account you will be able to buy Ethereum (ETH).

In order to buy ETH, choose the “TRADE” tab and then “NEW ORDER”. Choose the ETH/EUR (or other in case you are buying with other currency) currency pair to buy ETH with EUR and choose “BUY” tab. Enter the number of ETH you want to buy in the “AMOUNT” field. Choose either “MARKET” to buy ETH at the current market price or choose “Limit” and enter the fixed price at which you would like to buy ETH. Choose “Buy ETH with EUR” and check your details again. By choosing “SUBMIT ORDER” you confirm the purchase of the Ether. Your EUR should be changed to ETH immediately in case you have chosen the “MARKET” tab. In case you have selected the “LIMIT” tab you will have to wait that your offer will match offers of ETH seller(s).

Recommendation: Exchange pairs for trading ETH can be volatile and can easily change 20% in a single day. Choose proper timing for your trades.

STEP 3: Transact Ethereum to your private Ethereum wallet

After you have successfully acquired (exchanged/buy) Ethereum on online exchange, you must send it to your private Ethereum wallet, before making a contribution

Warning: Never transfer ETH to ENKIDU Crowd-funding address from an online exchange. Send it to your private wallet first!

What you need to prepare for this step:

  • Access to your online exchange account (e.g. on Kraken) with positive ETH balance and
  • Public Ethereum address of your Ethereum wallet

In order to send ETH from Kraken to your private Ethereum wallet, follow these steps:

Choose the “Funding” tab and then choose “Withdraw”

Choose Ether on the bottom left side

Choose the “+ Add Address” tab. Add a description and your Ether address and enter your private address (from the ERC20 compatible waller).

Choose the “Save address” tab

You will be sent a confirmation email. Make sure you check your email and confirm new address

You will be redirected back to your Kraken account.

Choose the “Funding” tab and then choose “Withdraw”.

Choose Ether on the bottom left side

Choose the Address that you just created and confirmed from the dropdown

Enter the amount of ETH you would like to send to your private address

Choose the “Review Withdrawal” Button

Check every detail of the transaction and if all the data are correct choose “Choose Withdrawal” button.

Please wait while the transaction is being processed. Once the “INITIATED” or “PENDING” status changes to “SUCCESS” you can access your ETH wallet while ETH should now be in your private wallet and you can proceed with next step.

INFO: You don’t need to access your wallet just to check your wallet balances. Use www.etherscan.io webpage and insert your public (not private!!) address to see your past transactions and current balances.

STEP 4: Join Enkidu Pre-Sale and pass the KYC process

To participate on the Whitelist Pre-Sale, you must first visit Enkidu webpage: https://enkidu.io

On the website you must click on the button “CONTRIBUTE NOW”.

After clicking ‘‘CONTRIBUTE NOW’’, you will be directed to the KYC homepage — click ‘BUY TOKENS’ to sign up.

You will then be directed to the sign-up page for KYC (“Know Your Customer”) verification.

The objective of KYC is to confirm our customer’s real identities in order to fully comply with legislative regulations. The process is in line with the highest industry standard and it provides our contributors with the safest and most transparent conditions.

After signing up, confirm your email by clicking on the link in the confirmation mail.

The confirmation link directs to the login page. Login using your details.

After logging in, you will see the KYC dashboard. Click the “COMPLETE KYC” button to go to the KYC form.

To submit your personal data, you have to enter all mandatory fields on the KYC form. Please provide us with the following information and prepare the documents:

  1. Full Name, address, country, nationality, e-mail.

2. Select ID type, upload ID scan, and take webcam selfie.

3. Confirm you are not a citizen of USA or China and click ‘SAVE’ to submit.

NOTE : We recommend that you provide all the mandatory personal information and scans to enter the KYC verification process. Once submitted, you will receive an email confirmation that will assure you that your KYC request was successfully submitted and is pending for a review and a verification.

Your KYC request will be reviewed and verified after successfully submitted. In case of insufficient data or poor data quality, you will be contacted with a mail to provide additional data or proofs. Please keep in mind, that in case of increased number of requests, the verification process can last more than 24 hours or longer to resolve.

You will receive a mail notification when you pass the verification process.

STEP 5 : Contribute

You can contribute in the Pre-Sale from 12th March 2018 to 26th March 2018 and the Crowdsale from 9th April 2018 to 9th May 2018. Only Ethereum (ETH) contributions will be accepted.

To participate on the Pre-Sale or Crowdsale, you need to have:

1. A Private Ethereum wallet (Step 1) with a certain amount of Ethereum (ETH) in its balance that you are willing to contribute in the presale (STEP 2 & 3) and

2. Unique Ethereum address for contributing, that you receive with mail after applying on the Whitelist.

WARNING: To receive ENK Tokens after the end of the contribution phase, you must pass the KYC verification process (STEP 4) till 19th March 2018.

WARNING: Sending Ethereum directly from any Online Exchange will result in a loss of your ENK Tokens. Send your contributions from an ERC-20 compatible private Ethereum wallet.

We will describe a process of contribution from MyEtherWallet, although you can also contribute from other private ERC-20 compatible Ethereum wallets.

Send a Contribution from MyEtherWallet

  1. Go to www.myetherwallet.com webpage. Make sure you are actually on the correct webpage and not on any other duplicated or phishing webpage.

2. Choose the “SEND ETHER & TOKENS” tab. First you will need to unlock your wallet: select the “KEYSTORE FILE (UTC/JSON)” option, choose your locally saved keystore wallet file, that represents your private Ethereum wallet, enter the password, and choose the “UNLOCK” button.

After successfully unlocking your wallet, you will need to create a transaction on the “SEND ETHER & TOKENS” form

  1. Copy your unique Ethereum address for contributing, that you viewed in the enkidu.io website in the “TO ADDRESS” (Please note: https://enkidu.io is the only legitimate website for the Enkidu ICO)
  2. Enter the amount of ETH (above 3 ETH) you want to contribute in the ENK token pre sale — in the “AMOUNT TO SEND” field. If you want to send all the ETH from your wallet, click the “SEND ENTIRE BALANCE” link.
  3. Please check again if all the data entered is correct, in particular, that you have entered the correct address provided to you and if you have entered the correct amount of ETH you wish to send.
  4. If all the data is correct, choose the “GENERATE TRANSACTION” button to generate the transaction code. Confirm the code by choosing the “SEND TRANSACTION” button that appears below the “RAW TRANSACTION” and “SIGNED TRANSACTION” fields.

5. You will receive a transaction hash (TX), that will help you to track the transaction and check if it was confirmed by the Ethereum Network.




Enkidu is a blockchain based platform that helps individuals collaborate globally and perform seamless payment splitting amongst team members.