Bringing Bluenote to Token Summit — San Francisco

2 min readDec 3, 2017


San Francisco is the site of the 2nd Token Summit.

There are few autorities more qualified to speak on the subject of token-based economies than William Mougayar — author of “The Business Blockchain” and General Partner at Virtual Capital Ventures.

And there are few (if any) places better to gain insights into this new world than Mougayar’s Token Summit — which comes to San Francisco for its 2nd edition beginning Monday, 4 December.

Unlike other events organised around the topic of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, Token Summit offers perspectives not only on current trends in the space, but also on the revolutionary possibilities of completely new systems of economy built around tokens and their uses.

Speakers at the Summit will include Fred Ersham, (Co-founder — Coinbase), Nick Cowan (Founder — Gibralter Stock Exchange), Hamid Denhiya (Co-founder — Dether), Jae Kwon (Founder — Tendermint) and Ned Scott (Co-founder & CEO — Steemit).

And we’ll be there as well — because we believe it’s worthwhile adding our voice to the conversation. Bluenote’s chairman Michiel Frackers will be talking about the blockchain and token-bases systems can enable real progress in the fight against climate change.

Join us — either during Michiel’s presentation or at our booth.

Let’s work together to make real change in the push for a zero-emission world!




The Leading Blockchain Solution to Build a Zero Emission World. Bluenote will launch the world’s first open data protocol to turn commercial buildings “Blue.”