164 Ether Bounty Program

Social Kapital
2 min readJun 15, 2016


We are modifying this bounty program in light of current events and the fact that the key Social Kapital contracts have been deployed on the blockchain

Social Kapital is offering a two part bounty program as part of events marking the release of our Ethereum smart contract source code at github. The first part of the bounty program is targeted at the crypto community in general. With so much noise and opinions about DAOs, we want people to spend a little time researching what it is, Social Kapital is offering. The second part of the bounty program is targeted at software programmers. Please take a look at our code at github and help us find possible attack vectors in the code before we deploy the code on the blockchain. So, here we go.

Who is the fairest of them all?

From bitcoin beginnings, name and provide prove of any Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that offered its participants a better value proposition than Social Kapital based on the following criteria.

(1) Participants control over the ICO fund

(2) The ability and ease of withdrawing individual contributions

(3) The security of the ICO fund

The first verified prove earns a bounty of 10 ETHER

Penetration Testing

Before attempting to carryout penetration testing, you are strongly advised to read our Smart Contracts Security Statement.

The object of the test is simple. Try and take Ether/FLO from the Sokap Treasury One contract. The following contracts work together and they are live on the blockchain.

SokapMintOne 0x80529232b0AA584554a8ba31Fdf3438927D7394b
SokapTreasuryOne 0x16f1d2f5D11EDA92941Fb3E3EC2039bE4A044f77
SokapShareOne 0x040b9322a202139E00cFB8a140088c66e12Fd4E1

Any successful attempt earns a bounty of 154 ETHER

To discourage actual buying of shares, FLO is priced at an unrealistically high rate

Get Involved

Do you have questions about anything?

Do you know about an ICO we have missed?

Post your questions, claims, bugs and whatever in any of these places

ethereum reddit # bitcointalk

Research Links

Social Kapital ICO page

Social Kapital Blockchain Contracts 101

Smart Contracts: the good, the bad and the lazy

DAOs: the internet is weird again, and this are the regulatory issues

How to Structure a DAO

Sirus Knight is the Co-Founder of Social Kapital

