Bedrock — Amazon’s Game-Changing AI Platform

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4 min readApr 16, 2023


In this article, we will see Amazon’s new generative AI tools and how Amazon’s new platform, Bedrock, democratizes access to AI technology for smaller companies.

Bedrock — Introduction to Amazon’s New Generative AI Tools

source — Foundation Model API Service — Amazon Bedrock — AWS

Amazon has announced a new set of generative AI tools called Bedrock. These tools are set to take on rival openAI and will be available through Amazon web services. Smaller companies will now have access to these generative AI tools at a much faster and cheaper rate. Choice of Foundation Models from Leading AI Startups and Amazon.

Bedrock offers a choice of foundation models from leading AI startups such as Anthropic, StabilityAI, and AI21. This is significant because millions of companies around the world use Amazon web services on the back end without even realizing it. This means that Bedrock will power all the new apps that come to market using generative AI tools. With Bedrock, AWS customers can tap into AI models from a variety of different providers via an API.

Third-party models hosted on Bedrock include multilingual text-generating models from Jurassic 2 Family that generate text in Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch.
Conversational and text processing tasks can be performed by Clods and Tropic model. Stable diffusion generates images art logos and graphic designs.

Claude — A Chatbot Competitor to GPT

Claude is an interesting chatbot competitor that hasn’t gained popularity like GPT has. It is similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT but Anthropic claims that Claude is less likely to produce harmful outputs, easier to converse with and more steerable thanks to constitutional AI. Anthropics is a company started by people who left OpenAI and created Claude as a competitor to GPT.

Recently, Anthropics launched a 5 billion four-year plan to take on OpenAI/GPT4.

Amazon’s New AI Tools and Robots
Here Let us see the updates on Amazon’s chatbot competitor to GPT-3, Code Whisperer for developers, and the Astro robot powered by Alexa.

  • Amazon’s Chatbot Competitor
    Amazon is developing a chatbot competitor to ChatGPT that could be 10 times more powerful in the next 18 months. The competition between these two large chatbots will increase development speed. Amazon is also focusing on stable diffusion with, which generates unique high-quality images, logos, and designs for small companies to use.
  • Code Whisperer for Developers
  • source — AI Code Generator — Amazon CodeWhisperer — AWS
  • Code Whisperer is an AI tool that generates code based on natural language input from developers. It can suggest real-time functions and improve existing code, making developers 57% faster at their tasks and 27% more likely to succeed.
  • It has security measures that may make it more appealing than casual chatbots like GPT-3. It suggests how to program and scans for security and bias issues in web developers’ projects. The service is powered by machine learning and generates code recommendations based on developers’ comments and code.
  • From software developers’ perspective, it is important to know that it supports multiple programming languages and integrates with multiple IDEs. Developers can also use CodeWhisperer to detect vulnerabilities in their projects and build applications responsibly.

source — AI Code Generator — Amazon CodeWhisperer — AWS

  • Astro Robot Powered by Alexa
    The Astro robot is a home security robot powered by Alexa. It can be remote-controlled when not at home to check on pets, people or home security. It can also patrol a home automatically and send owners a notification if it detects something unusual. There may be potential for combining the new AR robots with AI tools like Code Whisperer in the future.

Amazon’s announcement of its new generative AI toolset called Bedrock is significant for smaller companies looking to access AI technology at a faster and cheaper rate. Bedrock offers a choice of foundation models from leading AI startups, which will power all the new apps that come to market using generative AI tools. Claude is an interesting chatbot competitor created by Anthropics to take on GPT.

source- Announcing New Tools for Building with Generative AI on AWS | AWS Machine Learning Blog (

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