How To Change The Game: HTFU Princess vs Hug It Out

Matt Jones
1 min readNov 19, 2017


It was good while it lasted. I know it even felt good when you spoke those words. But it no longer cuts the mustard. Neither of these is the answer.

HTFU Princess. Dig deeper and ignore the pain. Push through all barriers.

Hug it out. You know the score: peace, love and brown rice, and everything that goes with that.

There is a time and place for both of these, but on their own neither is sufficient. They are masks that don’t serve us well.

Truth be told, the pain we seek to shield ourselves from through both these masks is essential for our growth. Both are excuses to hide from what we would prefer not to confront.

A better way? Embrace the vulnerability that comes from pain. I’m not talking about physical pain here. I mean that gut-wrenching anguish of not knowing the way forward that comes from uncertainty and risk.

You are just going to have eat this pain for breakfast. Be vulnerable. Find your strength through that vulnerability. Do the work of cutting through the shame and discomfort, and you will find a way through.

It’s the only way to change the game. Embrace vulnerability.

