Benefits of Using a Kitchen Chimney
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


In a world where everything is almost digitally driven, people are reaching out for the electronic kitchen appliances to make their kitchen work quick and simple. Just like a dishwasher or a juicer-mixer-grinder, installing electronic kitchen chimney is yet another popular kitchen appliance due to their plethora of benefits. Plus, with the birth of modular kitchen which people are starting to see as a blessing, a kitchen chimney turns out to be that perfect appliance that resonates with the design of the modern kitchen. So, what are the benefits of this smart and sassy kitchen appliance? Well, continue reading to know the facts!

Your Share of Benefits only if you own a Chimney

Complete Protection for your Kitchen Tiles

Are you obsessed with your precious kitchen tiles which add a beautiful look to your kitchen? Also, are you extremely particular about the cleanliness of your kitchen and keeps it squeaky clean? Well, then an electric chimney should be your best friend. This is a very important advantage of kitchen chimneys, especially for the Indian kitchens. An electric chimney protects your kitchen tiles from the fumes that come up while cooking food. These fumes when comes in contact with the kitchen tiles, it makes them sticky and dirty. Not just the tiles, even the floor is not spared. Plus, as Indian cuisine includes cooking using a variety of spices and lot of oil, chances are high that the kitchen tiles will become dirtier. Hence, a kitchen chimney will suck all the fumes and oil inside it, thereby keeping the kitchen floor, tiles, and the cabinets non-sticky.

Also, your Kitchen Walls Remain Spotless

If your kitchen is devoid of an electronic chimney, you must have noticed that the walls become quite dirty, sticky and dark. In fact, you’ll come across a lot of spots on the wall. The reason is the same as above; it is due to the smoke that is emitted during the cooking session. However, with this electronic kitchen appliance, the walls will be protected as the chimney will suck the smoke and keep the kitchen wall spotless.

Knocks Out Unwanted Smell

Well, of course, when something sumptuous is cooked in the kitchen, the smell of the food primarily makes our mouth water. However, let us face it, after a certain time most of us will want our kitchen to be free of any smell- good or bad. Sometimes, after cooking, the smell lingers in the kitchen for a longer period of time. This problem is solved by a kitchen chimney with just one click of a button.

Say Bye-Bye to Sneezing

Kitchen chimney is used worldwide; however, when it comes to India the scenario is tad different. Let us not forget, India is a land of spices most of which is pretty strong. The aroma of such strong spices like black pepper, red chilies, etc. when used in cooking can royally make us sneeze. Switch on that chimney and see that strong aroma getting sucked in. It will prevent you from unnecessary sneezing and prevent the spread of harmful bacteria in the cooking area.

Provides a Killer Appearance to your Kitchen

If looks could kill, installing a kitchen chimney can actually make this sentence true! OK, maybe we are exaggerating here; but on a serious note, a sleek and classy looking kitchen chimney will make your kitchen space appear elegant. The look and the feel of your kitchen will change leaps and bounds after the installation of this appliance. However, make sure to give a proper makeover to your kitchen space before installing a chimney, An old and dirty kitchen can never look classy even with the installation of a kitchen chimney.

So, do you agree with us on those points? Or did we miss any other point in this blog? Or did we go wrong with any point? Let us know about your opinion in the comment section below regarding electronic kitchen chimney.

