Frost Free Freezers- the Pros and Cons
3 min readMar 3, 2018


Thanks to the invention of frost-free freezers, it has actually eliminated the formation of thick layers of frost and the problems caused by them. It allows the refrigerators to work efficiently without the regular or time to time manual defrosting session. Hence, frost-free freezers are considered to be one of the most convenient household appliances. However, do you think a frost-free freezer does not have its own pros and cons? Well, of course, it does and today in this blog we are here to talk about pros and cons of the frost-free freezers.

Frost Free Freezer- Pro

Low Maintenance

When we talk about the frost-free freezers, the primary advantage that comes with it is that we free from manual defrost session (an obvious fact). With traditional refrigerators, it is a must to defrost them manually at least once or twice a year (or maybe even more) to keep them in good shape. This requires a lot of time and labour which most of us lack nowadays. However, with frost-free freezers, you’ll just need to clean out the storage area once a year which is followed by a cleaning session using a solution. The solution is made of 1 tablespoon baking soda and 1/4th cup of warm water which eliminates odour and spillage.

No Damage

With forming of frost, comes the unnecessary damage called the freezer burn which is basically the formation of ice crystals on the surface of the stored food. This highly affects the nutritional value of food and makes them taste pretty nasty. However, with frost-free, there is no formation of ice crystals which keeps the food healthy and palatable. Furthermore, wrapping up food with plastic coated freezer paper or aluminium foil protects the food from cold damage.

Frost Free Freezer- Con

Pocket Pinch

All good things will cost you some price, so does frost-free refrigerators. A frost-free refrigerator incurs more pocket pinch compare to that of a traditional refrigerator. It costs more to operate as it uses a heater to melt the ice crystals, a fan to circulate cold air and sensors that monitor frost build-up.

Frost Free Freezer- Storage Space (Pros and Con)

In frost free freezers, the freezer storage space is moderately sized as frost does not build up in the storage area. However, that does not give us the freedom to lose the total volume of storage space. There are many who overload their freezer, thereby blocking the flow of cold air. This in turn affects the process of automatic defrosting. Therefore, make sure to moderately fill up your freezer thereby encouraging proper defrost session.

Overall, it is always beneficial to buy a frost free refrigerator even if it costs tad more than a traditional refrigerator. They are easy to maintain and will last longer for a better user experience.

