How to Write a Conclusion That Leaves an Impact

George T Marvin
3 min readMar 17, 2023


The conclusion is the final statement of any piece of writing, be it an essay, research paper, or article.

It’s your last chance to leave a lasting impression on your reader, so it’s vital to make it count.

A well-written conclusion can leave a strong impact on the reader, encourage them to take action or inspire them to think differently.

In this article, we’ll explore some tips to help you write a conclusion that leaves an impact.

Reinforce Your Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the central argument of your writing, and your conclusion is an appropriate place to reinforce it.

Summarize your main points briefly and remind your reader of your thesis statement, but don’t simply repeat it verbatim.

Consider rephrasing it in a different way, adding depth to your argument, and tying it to your final thoughts.

Evoke Emotion

Emotions play a crucial role in how people react to something.

If you can evoke emotions in your audience, they are more likely to remember and act on the information you shared in your piece.

You can do that by using vivid language and painting a picture in their minds.

You can also use anecdotes or stories that illustrate your point.

End with a Call to Action

One of the most effective ways to leave an impact on your reader is to end your conclusion with a call to action.

This is an invitation to your reader to do something after reading your piece.

For instance, you can encourage them to sign a petition, vote on an issue, join an advocacy group or engage in a conversation about the topic you just discussed.

Make a Statement

Your conclusion is an opportunity to make a bold statement that sticks with your reader.

This can be a challenging statement or a thought-provoking question that leaves them contemplating after reading your writing.

However, make sure that your statement is backed up by relevant details, and that it’s not too much of a stretch.

Leave an Open Ending

Sometimes, leaving an open-ended conclusion can leave a more significant impact on your reader than a strictly definitive one.

One way to accomplish this is to conclude your writing by posing a question or a thought that invites the reader to keep thinking or researching the topic.

This allows the reader to finish the task you’ve started for them by continuing to apply curiosity and critical thinking long after they finish reading.

In conclusion, the conclusion is the final act of your writing, and it’s your last chance to make an impact.

With these tips, you can craft a powerful conclusion that lingers in your reader’s mind for a long time.

Remember, a well-written conclusion can be the difference between a piece of work that’s easily forgotten and one that leaves a lasting impression.



George T Marvin

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