3 min readJul 25, 2020


There are several ways to deal with older Apple devices which include donating, recycling, reusing, and rehoming.

Computing devices constitute a high percentage of plastic materials, metallic parts, and other environmentally hazardous and non-biodegradable materials. Therefore, dumping such components pollutes the environment and goes against the UK Climate Change Act on pollution and greenhouse gas control. Further, dumping implies the need for the production of advanced devices from scratch hence subjecting the source of the raw materials to depletion. Also, to produce these computing devices in quantities sufficient for the global community implies increased emission hence opposing the UK Climate Change Act.

Recycling of these devices could be a better option with reference to the UK Climate Change Act. However, it is costly, and impact is great because recycling processes and transportation to the smelters burns a great amount of energy and creates Scope 3 problems.

Consequently, reuse and donation of the old Apple MacBooks, Apple chargers, iPhones, iPads, iPods, and Applie iBooks are the best options with reference to the UK Climate Change Act of environmental conservation. Especially local reuse and donation within the UK because markets for second hand tech are generally abroad as well as smelters for recycling materials from these items. Local options offered by Community Interest Company SocialBox.Biz Laptopls for Homeless, Refugees and Elderly on pension credit is a preferred option. Huge proportion of these groups are socially and digitally isolated and excluded and can not afford any kind of computer.

Opposed to dumping in landfills and even recycling, donating Apple Computer products such as MacBooks, Apple changers, iPhones, Ipads, Ipods, and Apple iBooks have the most positive impact on the environment.

First, it ensures there is a continuously increasing number of the product instead of replacement.

Therefore, the demand for the product is meant without degrading the source through sourcing of raw materials by mining, hence adherence to the UK Climate Change Act.

If the devices had been dumped, this important source of support to marginalized societies would cease to exist.

Studies have it that donating Apple products saves natural resources and energy that could be used to make new devices for replacement.

Re-use of a computer and its accessories by the marginalized communities when donated, saves 7300 gallons of water, 2300 kilowatts of power, and 139 pounds of waste that could arise from manufacturing a new device.

This is a significant milestone in environmental conservation and pollution control.

Also, donating the old technology devices to marginalized members of society improves their inclusion in digital evolution hence reducing the information and communication technical gap between marginalized and computing technology advanced communities.

SocialBox.Biz blog further explains how donating older but still useful Apple computing devices instead of recycling or dumping creates excellent opportunities for marginalized communities.

These opportunities include connecting with the global community over the internet through communication and retrieval of crucial information for studies and entertainment that is stored on internet embedded platforms such as YouTube. Although this technology is second hand and outdated in its primary production area, the marginalized community feel appreciated and included in the journey to technology invention and innovation.

Donation of old Apple products to marginalized communities may also spark diverse computing technology development because being marginalized doesn’t imply the members of the community at hand aren’t intelligent.

This is realized through the facilitation of computing technology learning hence appreciation of the technology and catching up with the advanced Apple products users.

Donating obsolete Apple products to marginalized areas also eases connectivity, job searching, and access to health, environmental, and political information. As such, the marginalized communities are enlightened to commendable levels of technology advancement and information power access.

To start your donation process from your office for your old MacBooks, Apple changers, iPhones, Ipads, Ipods, and Apple iBooks please contact SocialBox TODAY.




SocialBox.Biz is a Community Interest Company (CIC) improving the local community by providing innovative technology solutions.