Trump may have been targeted by Russian intelligence services as a “useful idiot”

Benedict Donald? Or Donald McRonald?

A. de Rossett
4 min readNov 17, 2017


With the news that Turkish-Iranian gold dealer Reza Zarrab may have been flipped, it is apparent that the noose is not only closing on President Trump, but also on Vice President Pence who met with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on November 9th, 2017. While Mike Pence might claim that he was simply ‘Donald’s Dupe,’ his presence at so many compromising meetings may mean that Pence will not only be permanently marked, but ultimately need legal representation. Investigations indicate that Trump may have been targeted by Russian intelligence services as a “useful idiot” in the 1990’s, but growing evidence suggests a later date such as 2002.

The cloud above Trump, his family, business and political associates regarding allegations of Treason is only darkened by recent reports that Secretary of State Tillerson failed to properly maintain the diplomatic corps. In another article it was pointed out that “Trump appears bent on being the first US President to push for the destruction of America’s international influence.” This destruction could not take place without the support of Tillerson who was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship.

Investigators are following the Trump money.

While the ties of Paul Manafort, Carter Page and Michael Flynn are almost daily headlines in the mainstream media, Trump’s appointees to top level positions in the Federal Government are more troubling because they appear to present a “clear and present danger” to the interests of the American people and the Republic.

Trump’s appointments of a cadre of comrades with ties to the Kremlin is prompting people to suspect that Trump may be the “Manchurian Candidate” long feared by American patriots. Trump’s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’ ties to the Kremlin were recently revealed to be with Vladimir Putin’s immediate family. Hedge fund billionaire Ross, a principal stakeholder in a shipping company that has ties to Vladimir Putin failed to clearly disclose those interests when being confirmed for a cabinet position in the Trump administration. Wilbur Ross partnered with Putin ally Russian billionaire oligarch Viktor Vekselberg and former KGB official Vladimir Strzhalkovskiy, to run the troubled Bank of Cyprus alleged to be a major laundry for Russian funds.

Readers might have heard of the Magnitsky Act which created severe restrictions on Russian nationals suspected of involvement in the tax corruption case and others involved in human rights abuses — the Russian government swiftly retaliated with a law banning the adoption of Russian orphans by US families. Sergei Magnitsky was imprisoned after calling attention to Russian corruption, including alleged money-laundering in Cyprus. Magnistky ultimately died in prison.

When joined with reports that Trump appointed officials leading various federal agencies and departments are working against the mandate of those agencies, Americans are witnessing unprecedented corruption of America’s Federal institutions as well as destruction of the international diplomatic prestige of the United States.

it is alleged that Trump participated in “Golden Showers” by a team of Kremlin courtesans

Why did Trump appoint such people to key positions in the Federal Government?

Some folks feel that Trump may have been compromised during the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant where it is alleged he participated in “Golden Showers” by a team of Russian courtesans in the service of the Kremlin. Some people point to relationships with Sergei Millian, head of the Russian-American chamber of commerce as evidence of Trump’s long standing ties to the Kremlin. Still others point to Trump business associate Felix Sater who pleaded guilty to stock fraud as another example of Trump / Russia ties.

Trump family members are also coming under scrutiny for ties to Russia and organized crime as investigations show that “Trump’s businesses outside of Russia are entangled with Russian financiers inside Putin’s circle.” Lifelong Republican Max Boot shared in the LA Times: “Trump has sought and received funding from Russian investors for his business ventures, especially after most American banks stopped lending to him.” In July, 2013, Toronto Life reported that “Trump’s first real estate venture in Toronto, Canada, was a partnership with two Russian-Canadian entrepreneurs.” The article pointed out that “Ivanka is an excellent human shield for her father, who is no stranger to lawsuits.”

Reuters recently linked Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower in Panama City to drug trafficking, money laundering and Russian organized crime. While “Alexandre Ventura Nogueira told NBC that President Trump … never asked any questions. Nogueira said he struck a deal in 2006 with Ivanka Trump in which he promised to sell 100 units at the building….” Professor Miguel Antonio Bernal told NBC: “There are more than 500 buildings like this, but this — the difference of this — is that this has the name of the actual president of the United States. And he keeps the name here.”

That name is Trump.

