welcome to social distanzine!

3 min readMay 3, 2020


once upon a time, before the planet was plagued by pandemic, there were two friends. these friends, lucas and fiona, met when they went to high school together in the bay area. after moving away to college (lucas to new york, fiona to los angeles), they continued swapping memes and sending each other artistic things.

then, coronavirus came, and the long-distance homies wanted to do something about it. so, they started scheming:

texts that led to the creation of this zine!

with nothing but a google form and a dream, these text messages became more than just ideas. upon further discussion and research (there were too many quaranzines out there already), lucas and fiona settled upon a different name.

thus, social distanzine was born.

this is a collaborative, periodical publication full of art made during the coronavirus quarantine: out of a strike of inspiration, out of boredom, or anything in between. our goal is to invite gentle creativity in a time where many feel stifled, in addition to opening up opportunity collaboration between creatives who may have never crossed path if it weren’t for them both submitting to zine.

cover for our first issue!

our first edition, “_____ i miss,” was chock full of beautiful artwork from around the united states. we couldn’t be more grateful to the talented contributors who made the project what it is.

now, we want to kick it up a notch. we’ve got a lot of exciting things cooking, and we don’t want you to miss out on this exciting ride.

sign up for our mailing list to stay up to date with our shenanigans, and submit to issue two (this time, we have a theme — distortion!).

with that, we leave you with a quote by kurt vonnegut:

“the arts are not a way to make a living. they are a very human way of making life more bearable. practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. sing in the shower. dance to the radio. tell stories. write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. do it as well as you possible can. you will get an enormous reward. you will have created something.”

much love,

lucas and fiona




a quaran[z]ine by your local zoomers // ig: socialdistan.zine // linktr.ee/socialdistan.zine