More Ways to Optimize Your Facebook Page for Business

Kelly Thomason
7 min readJan 3, 2019


Today let’s go over our Pro Facebook Tips to make your business profile really shine. These are five proven techniques to help increase the value of your Facebook Page to your audience.

You can watch the video above or read it below.

1. Pinned Post at the top of Page

So after you have a unique handle, and the button on your page setup. You need to make what is called a pinned post. What I recommend is you make a photo that showcases what your Business is about and you can put text on it if you want. I really recommend a welcome video over an image, but if you are shy about being on camera or don’t have the time to make a video, then an image is acceptable.

So take a picture of the business and owners with a Welcome blurb. Write a short summary about who you are, that you are glad they are there and looking forward to sharing with them. I would also ask them a question and ask them to comment a response.

For example, we will use our writer profile:

We could also ask something like “What is your favorite type of story?” or “What is your favorite book?”

This creates engagement and also allows you to better understand who is interested in your product.

Also as a side note, try to use a different photo than your profile picture for your welcome post as it will help create variety.

*In this example I’m using stock photos so it’s the only one I have. So use your imagination and get creative with it!*

Like if you’re an artist use a drawing you’re really proud of, and if you are a local restaurant maybe you want to put a picture of one your most popular dishes.

Last step, click these little dots right next to the top right corner of the post, and click pin this to the top of the page.

So now anytime a new person comes to your page and click on posts it will be the first post they see. It’s a great way to immediately connect with your audience.

2. Record a Welcome Video

I REALLY recommend recording a welcome video if you can. I know it’s kind of scary to be on camera but it will give you some way more mileage than an image. I know I mentioned it in the last step, but I can’t emphasize enough. The internet is moving towards video and you want to make sure your business is on board.

A good example layout of a Welcome video is:

  • Introducing yourself
  • Talking about your experience or how long you’ve been in the community
  • Anything that you want your audience to know that is personable and will help you connect

This is a great way of letting your audience feel like they are actually talking to you for a few minutes. When they show up on your page and see you took the time to introduce yourself.

This will do two things for your Business:

  1. Leave a nice positive first impression
  2. It’ll help you stand out among other pages that maybe aren’t doing this sort of thing yet

3. Make a Detailed About Section

So if you followed my basic tutorial you know that we have already put some content into our About section, but we’re gonna take this a step further.

What was written was your bare minimum, so now it’s time to expand on this concept. When you write your About section make sure to use “I” or “me” pronouns if you’re an individual. And use “our” or “us” pronouns when you are a group like a band or a local business.

If you’re an individual you don’t have to put your full address you can just put an approximation Town and Country. But if you’re a local business you obviously need to put your actual address or nobody’s going to know where you located.

Next thing to include in your About section is talk about a current project you’re working on and if you haven’t completed anything yet, it’s fine to say that you’re currently working on your first big project.

Sometimes if you explain your project just right it can create some excitement with your new potential audience.

Even if you’re a restaurant or another service based industry local business you can still talk about something new you might have upcoming like maybe you’re getting a new menu item or maybe you’re gonna start offering a new service?

Or maybe you’ve hired someone new and you want to give them a little shout out?

Doing little things like that will really help show that you care about your business and you care about the people in the community as well.

Brownie points anyone?

Then you want to tell them something more personal. If you’re an individual tell them something about your family and friends, but this also works as a local business too. For example if you’re a local business you could write something like “I’m married and I run the business with my wife. We have two kids. We’ve always had a passion for pizza and look forward to sharing our love of this dish with our community.”

This will help your audience view as a person instead of just a computer screen or just another business.

Lastly the most important thing is even in your About section is that you want to add a “Call to Action”.

For example you should ask them to “Like” or “Follow your Page for Updates”, and then you want to give them a benefit.

For example:

  • Follow our Facebook page for Coupons
  • Follow our Facebook page to Know when our next Event will Be
  • Like our page to get Recipes in your Newsfeed

Of course this are just generic examples, and I encourage you to be more specific, and really think about a valuable item you can give to your audience even if that value is only information or fun pictures.

Always make sure to post the content on your Facebook on your website as well because even though Facebook going away tomorrow is unlikely, you still need to have your own piece of real estate on the Internet.

And make sure it’s easy to find your website on your Facebook page so your customers have another way to find you in case something ever happened to your Facebook page or whatever other Social accounts you have. Having a website will also give you a lot more freedom than any social media profile.

4. Promote a Giveaway/Coupon/Special

Alright so this tip ties into the last one, it’s really important to provide some value to your community. It doesn’t have to be free, but it does have to be valuable. No one worries about if a big brand posts their about their new products all the time, however they will care a little more if they get a coupon off that new product.

And I know some of you might be like “Well why would I want to give anything away? If I give it away, they might not buy something for me.”

Now it’s true there will always be “Freebie Hunters”. But what you’re doing now is a small step in a bigger picture. It’s like a show of good faith. It’s your page saying “I am a good person or a good business, and I really value my customers/clients. I just wanted to give them a little something back, so here’s something.”

This will show that you provide value and build trust. Sure the Freebie Hunters might just scoop up that freebie and you’ll never hear from them again, but that’s fine because they were never going to buy from you anyway.

But you’re going to have way more people who think “Oh that’s so great. I’ve never been to that business before. I should check it out.”

5. Adjusting the Tabs

So next thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go to our Settings up here. Then you want to go to Templates and Tabs. I think we talked about this briefly in the other video about changing your setup to pick something that is the closest to what your page is about.

If you’re a restaurant or a cafe pick the “Restaurant” template, if you’re more shop like a service like a doctor’s office or a hairstylist you probably want to have the “Service” template. If you are having trouble deciding then just stick with the “Standard” you can always change it later as you decide what’s best for your business.

Next you should rearrange the tabs on your front page.

It should be ordered from top to bottom:

  • About
  • Reviews
  • Services
  • Photos/Videos
  • Posts

The About tab should be towards the top so they can find the most critical information first like location and phone number.

Reviews should be next so that they can immediately see how great of a service your business is.

Services so they can find out exactly what you offer quickly.

And then Pictures or Videos as this is more engaging content followed by the Posts tab.


One of the most important and critical things that you can do with your Social Media profiles is to make them consistent and easy to navigate to the most important information first.

Was there something I didn’t cover that you had questions about?

Let me know in the comments section and I will try to answer you all!



Kelly Thomason

Freelance Writer- Marketing, & Animal Based Content-Feel free to contact me and maybe we can work together sometime!