Top 10 Cat Breeds that Don’t Shed(Much) for Every Type of Household

Kelly Thomason
14 min readNov 8, 2021



Cats are one of the coolest pets around. Just look at all the cats in the media. How could you not want a furry companion who frequently ignores you and destroys your house?

Well apparently I do because I own two of these destructive beings and it’s not a day if I don’t find one of them jumping into the shower with me, or hanging from the ceiling fan.

(Not really but they definitely find some really high and weird places to lay…)

But maybe you’re mildly allergic to cats?

Or maybe you just can’t handle a lot pet hair/dander? (Or maybe you don’t want to deal with shedding in general — don’t worry I won’t judge. ;)

Well you’re in luck because it just so happens that are quite a few cat breeds that tend to shed very little and also have the added bonus of minimal upkeep!

I’ve compiled a list that showcases ten breeds of varying levels of commitment in hopes that you too can find a furry-destroyer to add to your loving home! The higher the commitment number, the more care and attention your special friend will need likewise a lower number means they will be easy to maintain.

1. Sphynx

Energy Level: Moderate

Best for Families that are…High energy. Good with children, dogs, and even strangers! Adapts to most environments well.


No list would be complete without the exotic sphynx. Most people will recognize this cat from the Austin Powers movies as this is the type of cat Dr. Evil owns. And contrary to the appearance this cat is not hairless but actually has a soft thin layer of fuzz much like the peach.[3]

The most common color tends to be the pink peach color, but they can come in almost every color or pattern including pointed, or tortoiseshell.[3] His lack of thick coat also makes him a great candidate for practicing knitting and making cute little sweaters and booties for your Sphynx.

I’m sure he’ll love them.


Most cats tend to like their space and prefer being the Lone Ranger — but that’s what makes the Sphynx a great companion — as he is more like your best friend in a cute sweater than a roaming vigilante! They are highly affectionate and playful, and tend to need lots of attention to be happy.

If you decide to get this cat, it is highly recommended that you get two, or have a cat-friendly dog to keep them company as they will be sad when you leave the house for long periods of time. They will often stay close to you and have very little stranger danger. However they are sometimes wary of new environments and will take some time to adjust if you happen to move to a sweet new pad.


These cats tend to be healthy overall but they are prone to a few conditions. Including Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (thickening of the heart muscle) and a neurological disease called hereditary myopathy.[1]


These cats require weekly baths at the minimum, they tend to be on the oily side and often will leave residue on your furniture if this cat is not properly groomed and maintained.[3] They will also need regular cleaning of their eyes, ears and claws.

Overall Care Commitment Score: 8/10

2. Abyssinian

Energy Level: High

Best for Families that are…High energy. Good with children, dogs, and even strangers! Adapts to changing environments well.


This feisty wild cat found its roots from North Africa in the Nineteenth century and was brought back on British ships where the breed was refined into the one we know today. [1]

These cats are often recognized by their trademark M on their forehead. They are also slender cats with a triangular shaped face. Broad ears, and long limbs. The traditional coat is considered ticked or agouti. It is a variant of the tabby pattern.

The most common color is a brown-red color or “ruddy” as by most countries. Red, Blue, Fawn, Cinnamon, Sorrel and Silver [2] are also other variations of the breed. It can also be found in Chocolate, Lilac but these are not recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association.


Highly intelligent, and playful cats that are often considered dog-like by cat standards. They can be leash trained and easily learn tricks. Just don’t expect them to roll over or play dead — there’s way too much socializing to do for that! They also tend to be very curious and will definitely be attached at your hip. Highly active and will climb into every place they can. So hopefully you’re ready for this immensely playful kitty.

They do best in busy households with lots of attention from their owners. However even though they can get along with other cats and dogs, don’t be surprised if they make it a habit of pushing them out of the way so they can be in the limelight. They are the star of the show after all.

A good way to keep your Abby entertained is with puzzle toys, and agility courses.

They also enjoy bird watching, long walks through the woods, and are not lap cats.

Like at all.


Abyssinians tend to be rather healthy cats with only a few issues such as being more prone to teeth and gum issues, more prone to blindness when older, and sometimes they have a kidney disorder due to a gene mutation that is often seen in this breed.[2]

If you decided to adopt this cat it is recommended to have your cat tested for PK Deficiency. Not every cat will develop symptoms, but some can be a carrier or affected. Symptoms include jaundice, pale gums, and enlarged abdomen. Abyssinians can live to be 15 years and older.[1]


Recommended to comb them weekly with a fine tooth comb. And brushing their teeth with veterinarian approved pet toothpaste with regular teeth cleanings.

Overall Care Commitment Score: 7/10

3. Turkish Angora

Energy Level: High

Best for Families that are…busy households, singles, and even seniors! Adapts to change easily. Usually dog, cat and stranger friendly. Young children should be monitored when playing with this cat.


This pretty kitty has a major type A personality and don’t be surprised if he takes charge of the whole household! Beautiful and regal you might as well have royalty living with you. These kitties can come in white, black, blue, cream, red, and many other color variations and patterns. The most common being solid white.


This kitty like the others before it as it tends to have a demanding nature. It is extremely affectionate, and playful. They tend to get bored easily and will need plenty of attention and puzzles to keep their little brains occupied. This cat also has the tendency to be stubborn. Once he’s learned something, bad habits it will be hard to unlearn in his case. [11]


These cats tend to be overall healthy breed. And if you find yourself smitten with a solid white kitten with blue eyes there is a high chance he may be deaf. They also should be screened for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy(HCM).


These cats benefit from weekly grooming and should have a bath every few months.

Overall Care Commitment Score: 7/10

4. Siamese

Energy Level: High

Best for Families that are…More Easygoing and chill families or seniors. The Siamese may be a busy body, but they prefer some predictability to their daily routines. This is another cat that is generally good with all ages, dogs, and even strangers.

It is also recommended that there is at least another cat or dog will be home while you’re gone during the day to keep your Siamese company as they have been known to get depressed if left alone for too long.


These beautiful and sassy cats(Although Sassy from Homeward Bound was actually a Himalayan and not a Siamese) originate from Thailand. The breed was originally called Siam. Siamese cats are considered one of the most easily recognized cat breeds.

This breed comes in two different variations Apple-shaped Head or Modern. The Apple-shaped head variation is more on the heavy and rounded side. And the Modern is a more slender version with long arms and long neck. [13] And of course their trademark colored points on ears, tail and face. These points can come in various colors including the classic seal, and blue or even sometimes red, or silver. [14]


These cats are what you’d call the busy bodies of the cat world. Always by your side, and in your business. They often have to give you their opinion on everything that you may or may not be doing. Think of them as your own personal Notification Squad. If something’s up, your Siamese will be right there to let you know. They are very social and high energy. They are actually often described as Dog-like in their actions [13].

These cats also can suffer from depression if they are left alone for too long without another companion to keep them company and maybe dish on the new dog in the house. These cats will also play fetch and are easy to leash train. Great at learning tricks, friendly and very curious and will get into everything. [14]

They also can benefit from puzzle toys, and agility courses. But they also do enjoy their down time too and will often cuddle into your lap or sleep at the foot of your bed. Often times if they are ready for bed they will hurry you along so that they have some comfy feet to lay on.


A word of caution, although these cats are beautiful and intelligent, they have been found to have a higher mortality rate when compared to other breeds. The average age range is between 10 and 12.5 where only 68% of these cats make it to 10 years or older, and 42% to 12.5 or more. [13]

These cats are at a higher risk of Neoplastic and gastrointestinal problems, and also lack tapetum lucidum which is what helps cats see well at night. So these cats should be strictly indoor as they are at higher risk in urban areas do to their reduced night vision. [14]


Should brush once a week and brush teeth and regular dental cleanings. These cats are more prone to dental issues.

Overall Care Commitment Score: 6/10

5. Bengal

Energy Level: Moderate to High

Best for Families that are…Moderately Social. Highly adaptable to new situations with a high energy level. They are considered to have a moderate shedding level. Highly social, so expect to give this kitty his dues. Also stranger, child and dog friendly.


This exotic wild cat is actually the result of crossbreeding the Asian Leopard cat and to domestic cats for a few generations until we have the striking Bengal. The markings on the end result can vary from actual leopard style spots, rosettes, or even marble or a spotted tabby color. They are most often brown-caramel colors, but they can also be found in black, white, and silver.


Now on average this feisty kitty is a pretty active companion. However depending on the generation sometimes this cat can be on the more moderate side of activity. Like with all breeds there will be variation in personality.

However most Bengal cat owners would agree that they usually aren’t lap cats. They like to play and are crazy curious about what you’re doing or what they can get into. These cats will also play fetch, and can be leash trained, and often times will enjoy playing in water. Be prepared to spend a lot of time playing and bonding with your little wild cat. Treat him right and you’ll have an adventurer for life!


As with all cat breeds they are prone to some illnesses and benefit from routine vet visits.


These cats have a moderate shedding level and will need to be combed at least once a week.

Overall Care Commitment Score: 6/10

6. Devon Rex

Energy Level: High

Best for Families that are…Always on the move. A good choice for families with older children, other pets, or frequent guests. He is a good traveler and makes an excellent therapy cat. [7]


This is another highly active intelligent cat that will adore being by your side. This cat has a short slightly wavy coat.


This cat tends to get into a lot of things and will oftentimes being getting into trouble rather than being productive. This cat also benefits from many toys, puzzles, and even agility courses. This also a cat that needs a reasonable amount of attention and will benefit from another cat or dog as a companion.


This breed is usually pretty healthy but some frequent concerns are hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM), patellar, luxation, and hereditary myopathy (which affects muscle function) It is recommended that this cat is screened for HCM.


This cat can tend to get a little greasy from time to time and can benefit from a bath every few weeks. It also recommended that you might brush as needed. They have pretty delicate fur and skin so it should be done with a soft brush rather than a metal comb.

Overall Care Commitment Score: 6/10

7. LaPerm

Energy Level: High

Best for Families that are… better fit for households with older children, cat friendly, and dog friendly, stranger friendly


These cats have a gene mutation that allows them to have curly hair. Although some kittens may never have curly hair as it comes as they reach maturity. They also come in almost every color, with the most common being tortoiseshell, tabby and red. [12]


Highly active and curious this cat will also want to be your close companions and be involved in all of your daily activities. They will also sit in your lap if given the opportunity. They will also tolerate some leash training.


As a general rule these cats tend to be healthy but can still fall prey to diseases like any other pet.


This cat benefits from weekly brushing and additional brushing if you notice some extra mats or knots. They don’t shed very much overall, but will molt periodically and that will leave you with a lot of extra hair to contend with.

Overall Care Commitment Score: 5/10

8. Siberian

Energy Level: Moderate

Best for Families that are… Fine with children, dogs, other cats, but can be stranger shy, and adapts to change after a few days.


This cat is rounded and fairly large build. They can also be incredibly fluffy. And they come in many colors with the most common being brown tabby.[9]


The great thing about a Siberian is although this cat is high energy and loves getting into anything he can get his paws on, he is not overly demanding of attention. He will sometimes even grace you with his presence by laying on your lap. This cat also enjoys playing with puzzle toys, and anything that stokes his hunting instincts.


These cats are also prone to HCM and should be screened.


This cat tends not to shed, but does benefit from being brushed at least once a week. Twice a week will garner a better experience. They do also shed their coats in spring and fall with their fur being thicker in the winter time. They also don’t mind baths, but they are not required (This will help keep the hair levels down).

Overall Care Commitment Score: 5/10

9. Russian Blue

Energy Level: Low to Moderate

Best for Families that are… This calm cat can adapt to most types of families, but does better in quieter households with older children, and a consistent routine. They also will flee from strangers.


This cat is intelligent and often likes to do his own thing like watching birds from the window sill. They can be affectionate, but they tend to do their own thing. Still expect him to sleep with you and hang out around you, but they just aren’t as demanding as some of these other breeds are.


These cats tend to be very structured and by the books. Thriving on routine and stressed during times of change or upheaval. They are also very quiet and tend not to meow much. They will also benefit from puzzle toys and any fun games you can concoct.


These cats tend to be generally healthy but they do tend to get bladder stones more easily than other cats. [19]


Although they will benefit from weekly brushing, you could probably go every other week and still have minimal hair to contend with.

Overall Care Commitment Score: 4/10

10. American Shorthair

Energy Level: Low

Best for Families that are… Adaptable and tend to fit in well in a variety of households, and can also get along with dogs and cats, they can be shy around strangers.


These cats come in almost every color and pattern. They were formerly called Domestic Shorthairs, but that has since been changed to show that it is a refined breed rather than a hodge podge. [18]


These cats tend to be laid back and affectionate. They love being around their family and will enjoy being in your lap. However they are pretty self sufficient at carving their own path through the living room. They will also enjoy any interactive play they get from you like feathers, or strings. These cats are a good balance between a playful companion and independent housemate.


Live on average to be 15 years, but can live to be 20 years old.[17] They should be screened for HCM.


This cat should be fine with every other week brushing.

Overall Care Commitment Score: 3/10


Hopefully one of these breeds caught your fancy. Now these breeds are just a handful of the many other breeds that are considered low shed and more allergenic friendly. As always, before getting any new pet, do all of your research and remember that the breed descriptions in this post just showcase what the typical breed tendencies are.

Every cat is an individual and could be more high energy than described, or even more low energy. Some cats may even shed more than other cats in their breed. Getting a new pet should be a lifetime commitment so make sure you pick a breed that fits your lifestyle or be ready to accommodate the extra care needed to keep your new furry friend happy and healthy.


“Abyssinian Cat Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“Abyssinian Cat.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 June 2018,

“Sphynx Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“Sphynx.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 June 2018,

“Devon Rex.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 June 2018,

“Devon Rex Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“Siberian Cat.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 June 2018,

“Siberian Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“Turkish Angora.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 June 2018,

“Turkish Angora Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“La Perm Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“Siamese Cat.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 June 2018,

“Siamese Cat Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“Bengal Cat.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 June 2018,

“Bengal Cat Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“American Shorthair Cat Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“American Shorthair.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 June 2018,

“Russian Blue Cat Breed Information.” Vetstreet,

“Russian Blue.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 June 2018,



Kelly Thomason

Freelance Writer- Marketing, & Animal Based Content-Feel free to contact me and maybe we can work together sometime!