Development Update 008 — Progress & Team Changes

Sociall (SCL)
2 min readOct 9, 2017


Welcome to our eighth development update! Firstly, apologies for being quiet last week. We’re deep in development here and didn’t have too much to report on until now

We’ll start with the exciting stuff — development progress. Ryan and Gareth have finished the new data model structure that will carry the new API server forward. They have now begun development on the new backend which should be completed inside of Q1 2018, being ahead of schedule. We promised this would be completed by end of Q1 2018 within our roadmap, but we’re all very ambitious that we’ll have it released before then. We have decided to couple in the front end UI redesigns and development with the new backend — instead of releasing the new front end individually. This will streamline everything and create a far better user experience. We anticipate a version 2.0 release inside of Q1 2018. If anything changes we’ll be sure to have an announcement to let the community know.

Upstairs office where IT exists and magic happens. Gareth (back left desk), Ryan (back right desk) and soon to have Amir (front left desk). The girls in the support team are a little obsessed with the chill out zone on the right and almost spend more time there than their offices downstairs.

We have some team changes to report. Mo will be moving to a consulting/contracting role. He will be brought in on specialised projects when needed. We also have Amir starting on the 6th of November. Amir is a senior front end developer who specialises in Angular. He will be taking over the lead for front end development. Amir will begin componentising and readying the designs and code that Mizko (UI/UX contracting company in Sydney) provide us within the coming weeks. Amir will then begin to incorporate the new APIs from Gareth and Ryan into the front end to piece the platform together. Jade will assist with front end development when he can, although his priority will now be project management for the platform and business relations.

Lastly, as a little extra — SCL is now tradable against the BTC and ETH pairs on CoinExchange. SCL will also be listed on Cryptopia by the end of this week or sooner.

As always, if you have any questions regarding the above, just email us at, or speak to Jade directly via Telegram.



Sociall (SCL)

Sociall is a secure and private social network for all that utilises its native cryptocurrency, SCL.