Sociall — Domain, New Website & More

Sociall (SCL)
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2018

Here is our most exciting post yet — introducing our new domain name, project name, new website, and much more.


Our blog posts, articles, press releases and more were all getting lost in existence due to the simplicity and popularity of the name “Social”. We also contacted many owners of “social” domain names, although they were all asking for amounts that would almost send the project broke!

Instead, we decided to rebrand the project name to “Sociall”, since of course, it will be a platform for “all”. We asked around our inner circle and everyone seemed to love the idea. It’s unique, clever and catchy while still staying short, obvious, and close enough to “social”.


We purchased the perfect domain name —

The “.io” gTLD is by far the most popular and widely used within the cryptocurrency/blockchain industry. It represents techy, new and innovative.

New Landing Page

We’ve deprecated our old ICO website to make way for our upcoming closed beta. You’ll notice that the old domain name now redirects to our new domain.

Our new landing page consists of our social media links and beta sign up link on the left, along with our new tagline, background video and logo on the right.

The closed beta will utilise this same layout, along with consisting of a login and signup form on the left instead of the basic beta request button.

Social Media Links

All of our social media links (including our Medium link) have been updated to suit our new branding and domain. Unforunately though, due to restraints on social media platforms, they do not support redirects from previous URLs/usernames to new ones. We are now trying to track down all links to previous profiles so that we can request to have them updated to the new URLs.

Here is a full list of our new social media links. Some are unaffected, such as YouTube and BitcoinTalk.








Help from the Community

We’re asking for help from the community in tracking down any links to old social media URLs and to the old deprecated domain name. This is so that we can contact the company/website directly and ask them to update them to the new ones.

We have already reached out to the obvious sites such as CoinMarketCap, Etherscan, all listed exchanges, and a few other major sites.

If you find any, please send them through to

Closed Beta Progress

The closed beta is coming along very nicely. We’re hoping to send out emails to all the beta signups in the coming weeks. We’ll include more details and information regarding this in our next post.

Once again, don’t forget to signup below if you’d like access to the closed beta. We will not be pushing this form out to the masses as we’d prefer to keep the signups to a small amount within the existing community so that we can handle all issues and bug requests in an orderly fashion.

New week we’ll have a brand new video that will be featured on the landing page. It will be used to promote the platform and explain to new users what Sociall is all about. We’ll include this in our announcement next week alongside more development updates and how the closed beta is progressing, plus hopefully a set date for the beta release.



Sociall (SCL)

Sociall is a secure and private social network for all that utilises its native cryptocurrency, SCL.