What is Osteoarthritis? 5 Symptoms of Osteoarthritis (OA)!

2 min readOct 9, 2018


Age is telling explicitly in body parts by normal wear and tear. Osteoarthritis is a difficulty caused by some chronic conditions in the joints entailed with moderate or severe pain. Osteoarthritis pain is suffered by millions of aged people all over the world.

Precisely Osteoarthritis is difficulty in moving the body parts and feeling pain in the joints, whenever they are moved or exerted even for normal functions of every day.

People commonly affected by Osteoarthritis mostly complain about their knees, lower back, hips, neck, smaller joints of the fingers and particularly the bases of the big toe and thumb.

More close analysis and classification of the age group of affected persons suffering from Osteoarthritis pain reveals –

· People who are older than 65 years are commonly affected by Osteoarthritis ailment

· Symptoms of knee OA are found in one in two adults

· In the age group above 85 years, the prevalence of hip OA is more.

· OA in hand affects one in 12 people above 60 years

Possible Causes of OA:

Old age is the basic factor behind OA. For years, the muscles in the joints work meticulously to facilitate easy movements of the limbs. But latest results in Research go to show that OA is kind of “disease” in joints.

Based on these findings, the Medical fraternity further explains that many people have this defect in the genes. When the body system for production of a substance called collagen, which is the protein that makes up cartilage gets weaker, and only insufficient cartilage is produced to recoup the used-up cartilage, people get this disease.

Cartilage is the sponge-like or cushion seat covering the end of each bone at the joins. With this lubrication and cushion, bones don’t get friction during movements. When Cartilage wears out, bones get friction and dash against one another that produces pain.

Overweight and obesity also cause OA because of overuse of the joints, along with certain metabolic disorders.

5 Symptoms of Osteoarthritis:

The symptoms of OA vary vastly from person to person. However, we can identify the following 5 symptoms of OA generally –

· Extra bits of bone called Spurs get formed around the affected joint.

· Sensation of grating and friction while moving the joints

· Difficulty in moving your joints freely

· Stiffness in the joints especially when you wake up in the morning or idle for
a longer period

·Feeling tenderness on the joint when you touch them.

