Buying my Goose-down Comforter from Fluffyslip instead of big retailer heres why 🧐

5 min readDec 9, 2023


Introduction: Embarking on the quest for the perfect goose down comforter led me to an unexpected destination — Fluffyslip. Following my friend’s positive experience with their bedding products, I couldn’t resist delving into my own exploration. In this comprehensive review, I will share not only my thoughts on Fluffyslip but also my journey in navigating through established giants like Amazon, Macy’s, Target, and Bed, Bath & Beyond.

The Search for the Perfect Comforter: As someone who appreciates a good deal, I scoured through the offerings of renowned retailers, eager to find a goose down comforter that balanced quality and affordability. So i started out automatically with my go to store Macy’s, in particular, caught my eye with its extensive selection. You can explore their options here. Bed, Bath & Beyond, too, showcased a tempting array, with prices ranging from $59.99 to $400 depending on the brand and other specifcations. I almost made the purchase here, these are the places I shopped at before or seen their ad in the midst of watching a youtube or watching a movie on hulu( maybe I should upgrade to ad free).

Fluffyslip official logo

Rediscovering Fluffyslip: Amidst the vast sea of options, I recalled my friend’s glowing recommendation of Fluffyslip. Intrigued, I navigated to their website to see what they had to offer. Immediately, I noticed a curated selection of 5–6 options, a departure from the overwhelming choices in larger stores. The absence of extensive reviews posed a challenge, but memories of my friend’s quality items and Fluffyslip’s social media presence swayed my decision to explore further. To be honest if my friend did not find them and have a good experience, I would have scrolled right passed them. That is not saying the company is bad moreso the lack of reviews and presence would have made it a easy pass for me.

The Boutique Experience: Upon entering Fluffyslip’s website, I was transported to a virtual boutique bedding store, reminiscent of the quaint boutiques in Soho, NY. Despite the limited selection, the exclusivity and unique shopping experience felt like a breath of fresh air. The site’s unconventional design added a creative twist, making the entire process feel personal and distinctive. The website look and feel has improved since I last recalled coming to the site, the feeling did feel refreshed.

Handpicked quality down feathers tag on the goose down comforter from fluffyslip
Tags on Fluffyslip Of Fluffyslip goose down comforter
Close up of the inner filling of the goose down comforter sold at fluffyslip on top of apple ipad pro inside of green case with a apple pencil attached
Close up of the Feathers in the comforter

Choosing Fluffyslip: Intrigued by the small business charm, I decided to make my purchase from Fluffyslip. The goose down comforter set offered three colors: Blue, Pink, and White. Opting for the traditional white color, I appreciated the option to infuse a touch of color into my bedding. The decision to go with Fluffyslip was reinforced not only by my friend’s positive experience but also by the feeling of exclusivity and a reasonable price point. I selected the Queen size 3500g model, a 7.5lb comforter, priced at $183.99 (with a 20% discount) plus tx. You can view the specific product here. Now if you sign up you get 25% off or a complimentary 15% if you do not.

The Shipping Surprise: With the excitement of my purchase, I eagerly awaited the arrival of my Fluffyslip comforter. The estimated shipping time of 7–15 days had me checking my doorstep daily. To my surprise, the package arrived ahead of schedule, a mere 10 days later, delivered via FedEx. While my friend had experienced some delays in a previous order, my faith in supporting small businesses remained steadfast. If you include processing time it was about 12 days to be clear for context.

The Unboxing Experience: As I opened the package, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The comforter, substantial in weight, emanated no unpleasant odors. The stitching and seams were immaculate, with no loose threads to be found. Each corner featured hooks, ensuring secure placement, and additional hooks along the sides provided an extra layer of security. Curiosity led me to unzip the comforter to inspect the filling, and I was met with a well-distributed and high-quality filling.

Overall Satisfaction: From the beginning of my journey, exploring Fluffyslip’s website, to the moment I unboxed my new comforter, the experience was nothing short of satisfying. The attention to detail, the quality of the product, and the overall smooth process spoke volumes about Fluffyslip’s commitment to delivering a unique and quality-driven customer experience.

What to Gain from This Blog: As I reflect on my experience, this blog aims to encourage readers to step out of their comfort zones and explore products from smaller businesses. While giants like Amazon and Macy’s may offer extensive choices, hidden gems like Fluffyslip deserve attention. Many small businesses lack the massive marketing budgets to reach a broader audience, and this often results in them being overlooked. The risk, however, is worth the reward when you stumble upon a genuine gem like Fluffyslip.

Closing Thoughts: In concluding this blog, I extend an invitation to all small businesses to share their ventures in the comments. This platform, if the blog gains traction, could serve as free marketing for those striving to make a name for themselves. To Fluffyslip, I express my anticipation for witnessing their growth and success over the next five years. This review is a testament to the potential that lies within smaller businesses, waiting to be discovered and appreciated. Thank you for your time, and here’s to the exploration of more hidden gems in the world of business!

Before publishing I just noticed that the site says something about bedsheets coming soon. From what i can speculate is they are getting their first line of bedsheets. If thats the case I cant wait to see because the times I checked their site they didn't have show their own line*

