Social Media Strategizing — The Five-Step Easy Guide!

Michel Smith
3 min readApr 24, 2019


To grow and boost your presence in the digital world, one always needs the right kind of marketing strategy. Social media is the revolutionary concept that takes charge, and if in right hands, it can actually make your name shine.

There are some rules on using social media, or there is something called social media strategizing. It ensures you that things are going the right way and gaining you maximum results in less time. Let’s see what these strategies are so you can apply them the next time-

social media strategizing

Determine Your Goals First

There is a motive behind every social media campaign such as achieving 10,000 subscribers or likes. Without a purpose, you can’t decide which type of campaign is going to work for you. Such as if you want to spread the awareness about a particular event or the overall brand. Deciding these things help the campaign creators to conduct the campaign efficiently that brings you maximum results.

Identify Your Audience

Every service provider has its audience or targeted traffic. It is decided based on the products and services you sell. Such as if your business is about selling apparels for a particular age group then people who fall in that age category is your audience. It is important to identify your traffic first and then target it to let them know that you are selling the products they look for.

Make Use of the Right Content

Only graphics does not do the magic alone, and it is content as well that conveys the message. Today everyone is on social media, and people always have their eyes on posts that attract or seem captivating. A post should be visually appealing that also says the objective. Hence, adding up a few catchy lines along with the graphics is the way out. Social media advertising companies can be the perfect solution for that as they handle every aspect of social media.

Keep Regular Interaction

Once the companies conduct the campaign and traffic starts engaging, people often share their thoughts. They would like your post, comment, and share as well. Throughout the cycle, it is vital for you to be there and respond to them in the comment section. It can be an answer to their queries or just a ‘Thank You’ message for showing interest. It builds a connection between the audience and you that promotes reliability, and eventually, they make up their mind to try your services.


Along with all strategies, you can also decide the time to post the content. It is said that at a particular time your traffic remains the most active. For some, it is evening, and some prefer to post in the afternoon. Well, there is no fixed rule on this and observing when most people come online can be the trick on social media strategizing.

