How To Find Influencers For Your Brand? [2021]

6 min readOct 19, 2021


Finding the right influencer for your brand can be a tough task. There are a lot of things a brand should look into while searching for an influencer. But, as you know, Socialveins is here to sort out things for you. So, let’s discuss, how to find influencers for your brand.

Whether it’s finding the right influencer or connecting you with the influencer. This blog will include who is an influencer, what is influencer marketing, its benefits, and how to find influencers.

What’s in it for you

Who is an influencer?

A person who has online authority and the following base of people who listen and believe what an influencer has to say. An influencer could be a:

  • Blogger
  • Celebrity
  • Industry Expert
  • Thought Leader
  • Social Media Personality

And the list goes on. There are no specific criteria or characteristics of an influencer. And, It’s not even compulsory to have a large audience to be an influencer. Influencers who have a small audience are called micro-influencer.

Now, let’s see what is influencer marketing and its benefits.

What is Influencer Marketing & Its Benefits

Brands leveraging the influencer’s reach and authority to increase brand visibility or loyalty or making a sale is called influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing can be beneficial for brands in multiple ways which are as follows:

1. Builds Credibility and Trust

People follow influencers because they are inspired by them and trust their opinions ad recommendations. So, every time influencers recommend a product/service, it will be trusted by their followers.

Hence, brands can leverage an influencer’s reputation to build the brand’s credibility and awareness among the target audience.

2. Highly Focused and Relevant

When you work with the right influencer, whose work aligns with your product/service, you deliver the message to your target audience. Having a relevant audience base is the key benefit of leveraging influencer marketing.

3. Does Not Appear Pushy

The key benefit of influencer marketing when it comes to product sales is it’s not pushy. If an authoritative person tells about your product, their audience will willingly at least visit and take a look at your product. And, if they are in actual need, they will surely go to buy.

4. Provides Value to Your Target Audience

Influencers addressing the issue of your target audience, spreading the information among people, and adding value in your customer’s life will help you get brand awareness, loyalty, and ultimately sales.

If you are planning to buy a smartphone, you will probably search it on Google or look for the unboxing video on YouTube by popular YouTubers like Technical Guruji or Geeky Ranjeet. If they are endorsing the brand or product, your decision will be mostly positive.

5. Helps Drive Quicker Customer Acquisition

As, you selected the right influencer for your brand promotion that aligns with your brand, and their following base comprises of your target audience, you will get a quick conversion. As those audiences are the warm audience and would be interested in your product.

In a study by Influencer Marketing Hub, it’s been found that influencer marketing is the fastest in acquiring customers online. 28% of marketers in the survey seem to agree with this.

Also Read: What is Influencer Marketing?

Now, as you know what influencer marketing is and its benefits, let’s discuss how to find influencers.

How to find influencers for your brand?

Here are 7 best practices to find the right influencer and make your campaign successful:

  1. Define your Objective
  2. Finalize the Type of Influencer Campaign
  3. Search For Influencers
  4. Who Promotes Your Competitors?
  5. Look for the Audience, not Industry
  6. Understand the authority of the influencer
  7. Track your results

Let’s discuss them in detail:

1. Define your Objective

Before even starting your search, you should know your objective for the influencer marketing campaign. There can be any objective behind the campaign like:

  • Brand awareness
  • Audience building
  • Engagement
  • Lead generation
  • Sales
  • Customer loyalty
  • Link building

When you define your objective, you can find the influencer, which is the best fit for your goal.

2. Finalize the Type of Influencer Campaign

After defining your objective, you should finalize the type of influencer campaign you want to do. Your objective should align with the type of campaign.

Different types of influencer campaigns are as follows:

  • Barter: Providing the product to the influencer in exchange for stories, posts, etc.
  • Guest Posting: Getting an influencer to allow you to write for their blog
  • Sponsored Content: Paying to influencers for sharing or creating content for you.
  • Contests and Giveaways: Organizing contests as an incentive to get influencers to mention your brand or share your content
  • Influencer Takeover: Let an influencer take over your social media account for a set amount of time
  • Affiliates: Partnering with influencers and providing them an affiliate code so that every time someone buys through them, they earn commission
  • Discount Codes: Providing a discount code to influencers so that they can share that with their followers.
  • Brand Ambassadors: Partnering with an influencer who regularly promotes your brand in exchange for discounts and perks from your brand

3. Search For Influencers

As you have finalized the type of campaign, you have to list down all the influencers in your industry. But finding all the influencers in your industry, that too as per your budget can be a cumbersome process. You have to either mail them or call their manager to know the charges for brand collaboration, and sometimes they may take weeks or even months to reply to you. And it’s heartbreaking if they quote some price which is out of your budget.

So, here is a pro tip. Visit, select the category, and BOOM!!! All the influencers from your industry are shown in one click, within few seconds, with all the information regarding the charges.

4. Who Promotes Your Competitors?

Yes, find it out. Influencers who are promoting your competitor’s product are more likely to promote yours too.

If you are looking for bloggers, you can search for industry-related keywords whereas if you searching for Instagram influencers, visit the industry-related hashtags.

5. Look for the Audience, not Industry

Assume, you are a clothing brand and you want to run a brand awareness influencer campaign.

There are 2 influencers namely, Kavita and Namita. Kavita is a fashion influencer and Namita is a lifestyle blogger who is fond of clothes and hence Namita’s follower base is also your target audience.

So, you can also work with Namita, as your target audience follows her. Also, this strategy will help you get more brand awareness from the industry which is not that crowded and will increase your new audience.

6. Understand the authority of the influencer

Moving on to the second last point of how to find influencers. The authority of an influencer. It matters the most in any influencer marketing campaign. You should evaluate the authority to find out if they have relevant or large reach to meet your objectives. The follows are some factors to consider to find the authority of an influencer:

  • Followers
  • Engagement rate
  • Quality of content
  • Content Depth as per the industry
  • Alexa Rank of the website(If blogger)

7. Track your results

Tracking is the only way you can evaluate the performance of any campaign. Hence, track how the campaign was. There are different KPIs for different objectives. If your campaign objective was Brand Awareness, then you should look at the Reach, whereas you should check the orders you got from the influencer’s affiliate link if you want to get sales.

You have reached the goal? Congratulations! The campaign was successful. Not reached the goal? No problem! Find what was the glitch, and don’t make that mistake again.

Socialveins- A Self-Serve Influencer Marketing Platform

You can use Socialveins to make the process easiest. It helps you out with finding the right influencer in your industry. It displays the charges and all the essential metrics of an influencer like follower base, engagement rate, etc. which you must check before signing an influencer.


Finally, you reached the end. Now, you know how to find the influencer in your industry, you can develop an effective influencer marketing strategy for your brand that will help you achieve your business objective.

Hope this blog on “How to find influencers for your brand” was useful to you and help you find the right influencer for your brand.

Written by Hatim Bohra

