Social Media Marketing Trends for 2023: Expert Predictions

Social Whispers
8 min readJan 19, 2023


The social media world is always changing. It’s time to say goodbye to 2022 and be ready for the latest developments that will influence social media.

Staying current with industry trends and taking proactive actions allows brands and enterprises to realize the benefits of social media marketing.

Social media management platforms are preparing to guide their ships into the future and make a big splash in 2023.

So, roll up your sleeves, observe how social media marketing platforms are evolving, and create your next marketing campaign to attract your target audience.

Over 4.26 billion people accessed social media globally in 2021. This amount is expected to rise to over 6 billion by 2027.

With evolving technology, never-ending feature updates, and ever-changing consumer behavior, digital marketers are always on the lookout for what’s next.

Want to learn about new marketing trends that you can put to use right away? Do you want to know what top marketers believe will be important in 2023?

Here’s what they advised marketers should focus on, from the rapid increase of short-form films to exploiting the value of community building.

TikTok’s popularity will grow further.

Ilya Cherepakhin, Enterprise Consulting Lead at Media Monks, weighs in.

Looking ahead to 2023, I believe TikTok will continue to rise as the go-to social media platform for both advertising and users.

Several trends are contributing to this, ranging from what other social media management companies are experiencing to how social media is rapidly embracing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) forms — a field in which TikTok is ideally positioned to lead.

TikTok will continue to profit from flaws in other digital media platforms.

While TikTok began as a social networking platform, it has broadened its service offering and now competes for ad dollars that are traditionally devoted to a variety of digital ad platforms.

As a result, it essentially competes for budgets that would otherwise go to Google or Amazon, just as it competes for ad expenditures that a company could consider for Meta, Snap, or Twitter.

Many of the traditional advertising platforms’ functions are rapidly being called into question, with TikTok emerging as the beneficiary.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Facebook’s $10 billion shortfall in early 2022. Meta’s problems persisted throughout the year, with ad spending and stock prices both declining.

TikTok is poised to benefit marketers keen to invest where there is the most promise, with Twitter in upheaval and other classic digital platforms also faltering.

TikTok is likewise focusing on user growth and engagement. Aside from the growing number of TikTok users (which is expected to reach over 800 million by 2023), TikTok users are utilising the app in novel ways.

TikTok was a popular destination for many people throughout the pandemic, and not simply for fun. TikTok has thus progressed from a platform for entertainment to a source of useful information.

According to Pew Research, more and more Americans are getting their news from TikTok, in contrast to other social media marketing platforms that are showing flat or declining engagement.

This is in addition to an increasing comfort with AR and VR features, which TikTok is well positioned to capitalize on.

Yes, other social media platforms, such as Snap’s lenses, have similar offerings. TikTok’s first-mover advantage in this market, entire platform premise, and customer base expectations, on the other hand, make it a much more likely platform where companies feel comfortable testing these vehicles.

Speaking of testing, AR and VR-related ad formats have entered the mainstream this year, no longer being deemed novel or developing.

Brands are becoming more aware of their capabilities, how to match them with their marketing needs, and how to quantify their impact, which (once again) bodes well for TikTok at the expense of other paid social platforms and digital advertising players in general.

Vertical short-form videos will dominate the content game.

With TikTok as a growing star, it seemed evident that Instagram Reels, then YouTube Shorts, would take off, and no doubt the other platforms will follow.

I’m already seeing Twitter highlight short-form video content in the feed, so brands should keep this in mind while creating content.

I also believe that the social media buying experience will grow, so if you don’t already have a shop feed set up on your socials, get one up and start experimenting with ads.

- Jacob Styler, Infinity Digital’s Founder and Digital Marketing Director

Mari Smith, CEO of Mari Smith International, Inc., has stated the following.

A short-form vertical video is one of the most essential Facebook marketing trends, and it will continue to expand through 2023 and beyond.

Marketers should experiment with Reels format and short vertical films as regular feed updates on Facebook. In some circumstances, the latter may outperform!

But, more crucially, the sea change I began to notice throughout 2022 will only intensify in 2023.

That is the shift away from focusing on all of the public-facing proxy or vanity metrics such as more followers, greater reach, more engagement, and so on. Instead, we’re focused on the numbers that matter, quietly creating relationships and growing our businesses without any hoopla.

Marketers must diversify their content strategy.

In 2023, three major themes will dominate social media: diversification, risk, and investment.

Previously, brands concentrated on a few text-focused networks. Twitter’s insecurity demonstrates why this is such a horrible idea.

That is why, by 2023, anyone using social media marketing, customer service, or public relations should have made significant changes if they haven’t already. Images and other alternative media are a driving force, but they are only one part of the whole.

Because many of the younger networks on the landscape lack the reach of Twitter, brands will need to shift away from the notion that simply being visible is sufficient.

In 2023, smart social media marketers will make significant adjustments to their strategy.

They will select networks for a specific purpose and share content tailored to that target.

SlideShare for customer education and authority development, YouTube for product exposure and brand building, email marketing for customer retention, and Quoted for media and journalist contacts are some examples.

- mentioned by Angie Nikoleychuk, Content Marketing Manager At SEJ

Existing Social Trends Could Tip the Scales in B2B Marketers’ Favor

- Matt Mudra, SCHERMER’s VP of Planning and Performance

Here are just a few predictions regarding B2B social media in 2023.

LinkedIn will remain a B2B marketer’s preferred channel due to its greater firmographic targeting capabilities and emphasis on workplace-related communications.

I doubt LinkedIn’s dominance among B2B marketers will shift in the next year.

With Musk at the helm, we can expect further significant changes at Twitter in 2023, including new targeting solutions that will make the channel more appealing to B2B marketers.

Additionally, other social media management platforms that have traditionally been utilized primarily for B2C marketing, such as TikTok or Pinterest, will expand their services to include clean rooms and other targeting tools, allowing more B2B marketers to participate.

I expect Meta to offer a clean room solution shortly as well — first-party data activations on social media will explode in 2023 and beyond.

As TikTok continues to outperform Google and Bing for Gen Z searches, B2B brands will begin to experiment with TikTok search methods.

Finally, social commerce will continue to expand, and ideally, we’ll see some applications for major B2B firms to tap into in the coming years, although that may be a few years away.

Viral marketing will be the driving force behind increased brand engagement.

Mike Dickerson, CEO of ClickDimensions, weighs in on the subject.

I believe that 2023 will be the year of viral marketing.

The era of the “handshake agreement” is past, as B2B customers and sellers embrace the digital-first approach to business.

Marketers must connect clients online and adopt a more conversational and viral approach to digital marketing to expand their brand in 2023.

Social media, websites, and advertisements are excellent ways to generate interest and surface-level exposure for your brand, but with so many other businesses doing the same thing, getting your firm recognised and making an impact on potential clients has been increasingly difficult in recent years.

The solution is planned viral marketing. Viral marketing pieces make the viewers feel something. Customers leave feeling something, whether they are entertained, educated, or involved, and it becomes a memorable engagement with your organization.

Companies may determine how successful and influential a viral marketing piece is by tracking digital engagement, such as likes, shares, and comments.

This long-lasting impression keeps your company in the thoughts of potential clients, improving brand awareness and broadening your marketing reach through digital interactions.

In the coming year, viral marketing will rule the industry. To have the maximum impact, marketers must learn how to use it successfully across social media, websites, and digital ads.

Focus on using conversational tones and emotive tools to begin designing your viral marketing campaign, and always focus on what the audience is interested in rather than just what the firm wants to communicate.

A renewed emphasis on adaptation and attribution will be critical to success.

- Heather Campbell, SEJ’s Director of Marketing

You’ve planned out your social approach for your “comfort” platforms (the ones you rely on and have been optimizing for years). But what about all of these new platforms that are appearing?

To play in these new environments, you must learn to adapt and try new things. What works on one platform is unlikely to work on another. As a result, you’ll need to be adaptable and test the waters.

But before you leap in with both feet, do your homework.

Although research is not a new trend, it should assist you in making the best decisions for your objectives. Don’t just hop on the bandwagon because it’s new, especially if your competitor is already on board.

Check if it is a good fit for your aims and that you have the time and resources to manage another platform. Remember that spray-and-forget and set-it-and-forget rarely work.

Allow your research and goals to drive you to a platform where your target audience is and where they are actively interested in engaging with your business.

So, now that you’ve discovered the right platform for you, the only way to know if it’s working is to properly attribute it.

Sure, we can add a UTM tag, but it only provides a partial picture. It’s time to put proper attribution in the spotlight for your social media marketing as well.

You’ll have an easier job gaining management support if you can fully credit performance to society. This entails considering how your social approach affects your marketing and brand as a whole.

For example, demonstrating how your social reach and engagement are increasing brand awareness (something tough to monitor) might provide you with the leverage you need to secure additional cash or resources.

It will offer your supervisor confidence that the new tests you wish to conduct will be watched, analyzed, and optimized as soon as possible.

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