An open letter to our community

SocialX Network
3 min readFeb 26, 2018


Team update: SocialX and Theodor (CTO) part ways.

The past weeks have been a rollercoaster ride for the entire SocialX Team, with primarily positive experiences. The successful ICO was a big moment for us. We are very optimistic about SocialX changing the future of how the human species interacts socially. Our ultimate goal is to change the social media landscape by creating a decentralized network with a unique reward mechanism. To reach our goal, we need 100% commitment from all our team members.

Team Announcement

Hereby we announce that CTO Theodor Diaconu is leaving the SocialX team to pursue his personal interest. The SocialX Management Team would like to thank Theodor for his contribution to the company during his tenure and wish him well in his future endeavors. Theodor will continue to be available through a short transition period.

More importantly, we will continue our dedicated efforts to reach the SocialX goals for 2018.

Who will take over as interim CTO?

The SocialX Management Team welcomes Hamza (Jake) Al-Sadoon as the Chief Technology Officer of SocialX in place of Theodor with effect from 1st March 2018.

Jake is our rising star who has been with us since day one of the development of SocialX, and he fully understands where SocialX is heading. More information about Jake can be found at the bottom of the blog post. Jake will work closely with Serkan and the development team to further execute the goal of SocialX in becoming the first decentralised social network.

Christian Josephs about Jake: “Jake is a young, smart guy. He joined us last year and has helped us with several coding and IT projects. Lately he has been working with us on the mobile app and the blockchain solution. I am convinced that with the assistance of the SocialX Management Team, Jake will be prove to be the ideal CTO for SocialX.”

What does this mean for SocialX?

We are doing the best we can with people who are 100% dedicated to the project. We will continue to be open and transparent in communicating regular project updates with you.

We would like to thank our supporters and followers for your continued support. If you have any questions you can join our Telegram or write us directly at Please always keep your feedback polite.

New introductions

Hamza (Jake) Al-Sadoon (CTO)

Serkan Durusoy (Senior Technical Advisory)
will also be a key person in the upcoming months and he will take the lead in the mobile development, which is our primary focus at the moment.

Ionut Movila (React Native Developer)
is onboard for the React Native part and he will oversee the mobile app development.

New strategy: Our highest priorities are mobile development and a slight facelift for the SocialX brand. Our roadmap goals are achieved with slight adjustments.



SocialX Network

SocialX is a decentralized social media platform allowing users to distribute content seamlessly and getting paid for their contribution to the network.