Bounties, it’s time to claim your SOCX tokens

SocialX Network
2 min readApr 7, 2018


Dear Bounty Participants,

It has been a pleasure working together with you over the last several months. We just wanted to inform you that there will be a total of 1,618,280 SOCX equally distributed among all our 1800 bounties. We apologize for it taking so long, but due to over 1800 bounty participants, we had to rethink our approach to distribution of the bounty tokens after the ICO in late January.

How to Claim Your Tokens

  1. Send 0 ETH Transaction to 0x496131C3930F0D7bFd26F7FBcdc8F6e6af5Eb58f
  2. Use 2 GWEI and Gas Limit: 250000
  3. Receive your tokens

You can see a total of 0x496131C3930F0D7bFd26F7FBcdc8F6e6af5Eb58f has been sent to this contract.

In case you want to follow the current performance of SOCX. You can do this here.

If you still have some questions let us know via



SocialX Network

SocialX is a decentralized social media platform allowing users to distribute content seamlessly and getting paid for their contribution to the network.