SocialXpand | Want to Expand Business and Reviews

Social Xpand
3 min readOct 25, 2018


SocialXpand is a name as a big brand in digital marketing or media marketing. On Google, so many businesses are there in which many complaints and reviews are also there and today’s time everyone wants to grow their business and high rank in Google search. Social media is about the concept of mouth marketing, building connections and linking with people. There is competition out there for jobs and for new business. The good news is that you don’t have to use an ad agency to help distribute the word. All you need is a target. No issue where you are in your work life–recent college graduate student, mid-career or closing in on retirement, “there’s s an app for that,” as the saying goes. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, smartphones, Wi-Fi everywhere we go.

SocialXpand | Online Marketing

Every day, more than one billion names are searched on Google and 77% of job employers are demanded to look at potential employees up on the internet during the hiring process. While you may not have checked yourself up, it’s specified that somebody else has and they are generating conclusions about you based on what they find. 45% of people have found something in an online search that made them choose not to do business with someone. SocialXpand gives a way to people by online reputation management, it is the method of managing what displays up when someone looks you up on the internet.

We do everything on the internet and we now have the technological innovation to monitor and save all that activity. That means almost everything we post on Facebook or Twitter and every item we search for, the website we go to, the online transaction we make and discussion we have via text or messenger exists somewhere. A Facebook status update you made a year ago may sooner or later get you fired. Even scarier, a private email or message you sent to a friend, even if you deleted it, could come back and attack you. We’ve seen hackers interfere with the privacy of every person from superstars on snapchat to major politicians running for president. But, it isn’t just hackers you need to get worried about. Outdated laws that have not kept up with Technology — like the ECPA — make it easier than ever for people to access the information you thought was private. SocialXpand can support people to push down the negative facts on Google, which affect their work opportunities and daily life.

SocialXpand | Digital Marketing to enhance Business

SocialXpand means we expand our views and products at social platform through the internet. It is called Digital Marketing and its results are so fast and the cost is less than traditional marketing.



Social Xpand

SocialXpand does a complete audit of your business’s social media strategy. He monitor your business’s online reputation on review sites like Yelp.