10 good habits are essential for good life

2 min readOct 7, 2023


Good Habits — good habits are essential to live a good life as health is wealth a common quote you come across in daily life has much meaning to it as a person can be wealthy only if he is healthy by heart he has enough strength and peace that he is able to work hard when he is good at health his heart is healthy stomach is easy he doesn’t have to worry about the problems related to food restrictions, sugar, diabetes, asthma, he can work for hours, day and night without any shortcomings.

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Top 10 good habits list-

  1. avoid too much oily foods — avoid eating too much oily and fatty foods from marketplaces as they have a very bad hygiene at their workplace and use very poor quality ingredients and oils to enhance taste buds of their customers for repeated sales but the oils they
  2. use are so cheap and artificially modified that effects our health very badly and cause problems like blood pressure, cholesterol , fatty livers, fatty acids, indigestion, diabetics causing
  3. multiple problems like abnormal blood sugar levels, fluctuations in blood pressure, tiredness, stress.
  4. eating healthy home-cooked foods- home cooked foods rich in fiber like good habits green vegetables helps in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and keeping you active everyday maintains all sugar levels, helps in easy digestion, easy removal of waste from human body, good sugar levels, less load on kidneys and liver that helps in proper functioning of a human body.
  5. avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking- humans should avoid alcoholic beverages and quit smoking good habits as they have direct effect on the kidneys, liver, and human brain body loses its conscious and controls, too much regular use of these substances lead to
  6. multiple diseases like cancer, brain tumor, storage, liver dysfunctioning, skin problems, heart attacks and shortens the life of a human being
  7. regular exercise- regular exercise like walking, yoga, breathing exercises, physical exercise like cycling, running, gyming keeps the
  8. The human body is fit and flexible, which helps in good physique and body control. Regular sports activities like playing football, basketball, cricket, swimming also helps in regular exercise.
  9. proper sleep — completing a proper 7–8 hours of sleep is essential for human body to function well and helps in increasing
  10. precisionism in functioning of liver kidneys and brain. minimum sleep of 7 hours is essential for the upkeep of human vital organs to help in recovery and restore the energy for everyday energy

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