Socrates Vasiliades tax — Development in Mining Technology

2 min readOct 16, 2019


The development of mining technology plays an important role in the mining industry as well as in the environment. Socrates Vasiliades tax is specialized in the mining industry. The mining industry was very conservative in initiating and adopting new technologies in the past due to high capital requirements, environmental limitations, and small profit margins. However, the mining industry has made significant progress in productivity, mining technologies used, environmental control, and worker health and safety. The mining industry has also introduced improved clean technology to carry out the best mining processes and practices. Such practices have been applied in developing countries that achieved the best results. When mining technologies become more widely available, there will be only the technology gap between mining industries and countries.

The mining industries continue to play their essential role in sustainable technological development to improve their performance, reduce environmental pollution to all media and enhance the quality of life within their operational work area. The mining industry aims at adopting and implementing innovative technologies through the usage of both mining and environmental technologies to create a better environmental quality in mining industry areas, reduce negative impact on human health and environment, reduce water and air pollution, and land degradation.

The development of new mining technologies helps to reduce production costs, enhance the quality of mined metals and minerals, enhance the quality of commodities using mined minerals, reduce adverse environmental effects, health and safety impacts. Thus the mining technological developments benefits consumers and producers, as well as nation’s economy, national defense, health, and social well being.

The most developed and developing countries have already imposed environmental standards for emission, effluent, groundwater contamination, and hazard and toxic management guidelines. But because of weak law enforcement, lack of monitoring capability and skilled human resources, the mining industry do not obey. Hence, the environmental standards must be harmonized within the developing countries in order to improve the environmental performance and management of mining industries.




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