Little thoughts about “Big Ideas”

1 min readNov 7, 2017


Well… you know the truth.

I don’t actually outrun the lion; I just make sure there’s at least one person with me that I can outrun so I don’t need to be faster than the lion.

And when it comes to soccer players, I don’t need to be a better player, a faster player or a smarter player on game day. All I need to do is record video of the game and use a product like SocrPro to analyze and break down the game afterwards to discover the truth of what happened during the game.

Taking this step back from the real-time excitement and distraction of the game allows me to analyze the game and see the way things truly happened versus the way I “thought” it happened while I was watching the game in person.

To be able to pause the action, play it back in frame-by-frame slow motion, and scan the entire play area moves the game into a whole new light and makes me far smarter than anybody else watching the game in real-time. Read More




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